Oct 02, 2007 23:44
1: I would have been blind a thousand years had you not condemned me to a life of open eyes. In payment of this debt, I have accepted to carry the burden of the consequences of your boon. So long as it is within my power, your life will be blessed.
2: You may think that we are friends, that perhaps I care about you. I do not. The only value of your life or death, lies in it's harmony with my purpose.
3: I do not presume to dictate the actions of others, but if you ignore my council, you do so at great peril.
4: Pray that we do not meet. For at home or abroad, it may be your death.
5: Your life is less valuable then the creature that lives inside you. You are a fool to not master it.
6: You alone of all creation are more dear to me then my power or purpose. I bear many scars, but the worst which cannot heal, is your pain. My only consolation, slight as a needle's reflection of moonlight is that I will bear it with you.
7: You would not approve of who I am, or what I have done. But I am not you. I am unlike anything you have ever imagined, and I shall be greater still.
8: I am glad for your death. It has made me stronger.
9: From the moment we met, something strange worked upon my heart. I have never understood it. I cannot predict what I would do should you come again into my life.
10: I respect both your ingenuity and your drive, but your emotions have made you weak.