Dec 01, 2008 08:50
There is no fixing the bridge made of wheat germs from the heart, the bridge of feeding that Thanksgiven, the brownest of all, rising over turkeyfield. Our chocolate logs are full of termites, and Big Bird curses when he digs his beak into them. They have hundreds of selves, and Big Bird swears up and down at the children. This makes them simple; it simplifies them; he brings them down for choking on his smiling sanded head when the bears are away; they cook old Christmas trees over the fire that dad made of his head in the fireplace hanging upside down so pissed off about the Packers again. The horn'd beast speaks now thro a Snowman. Steal their porridge, bed down in a cave; you have germs. And the germs are what melts us.
When snowmen rise, you can walk without noise and the dark is no dark. An only brown with a bright eye is what the snowman rising is. A twig hand gets lost in the thaw and is discovered on the brown holiday. This is important, because twig hands speak the truth when they are broken. They tell you the Spring is not early.
But this only shows us a grizzly paw is filled with honey. Baskets and brellas are the same, one is for waterbears and another for the honey, and they all catch the same thing; water and honey, but one sweeps it away and the other holds it in. A barbwire fish made this happen when the frankenshark bit down on it; she shew'd its mouth how tangled you can be. It is corn pone fed to us all and is the only bridge in all America without fixing.
In the state of Washington, but can you ever reach a state of Washington? His germs are on us now for the joy of watching him do this; the whole country is saved. When George Washington brings up a frankenshark it turns into a Mexican tire the moment it breaks the surface. We must thank a Waterbear for that; you can bring your gold to your mattress, but it makes the sleeping harder. You can open your arms and catch someone falling from a tall building, but you can't strain to take it. You ought not. Some of you can. He'll paint your chimney to look like a barber pole. Thanksgiving remains the brown holiday, her head sanded down; being in miserable can be the happy; it can be the sandknot head.
So it is right to be miserable. You are shewn as being damn'd by being impermanent. It is the same; our own combine quipment shall harvest us, and then she will wet her head in a glad bag and this is the sack that sands it. You can do this with a groundhog that lies buried in his hole; they are better inside of Mexican tires. The form fits the question, so this question is answer'd, but it is not your own, so the Wolfman makes a puke all over Washington's table because his wheatbread has germs in it.
She sands her head, you can show it to the boss. Wheat germs will find good home in the octopus; the octopus swims all day, so the wheat germ fills an ocean gradually. It is the way we wear soil. You can loaf all of its germs and sink this loaf in the river and hope to hit a waterbear and splatter the germs all over its head to blind it and cause a shark to find it and take bites of it for pleasure. The shark may crap out gummy bears for the good children, and they will wash up to Abe Lincoln's cabin, and he will bring them to the playground and get buried in a Mexican tractor wheel when the recess lady finds him and breaks his wobbly knee for sanding her head.
But when George Washington gets you in the sand, he had better hope it is grass, or you had. Giving yourself to a bleeding red whale who hates your motorboat is giving yourself to the axe and the tree, is seeing the earth as a whole wheat germ; she is the original whalemouth with sanded teeth. Take her bottle of cheap gas station wine the way the Wolfman did it, with eyes yellow ochre as Bob Ross had ever made them. Cover thyself in manly hair to sup with her on your very own Thanksagiven, a day of of mild menstruations upon a termite soften'd chocolate log!Perfum'd with the highest spice.
Sea, you may try to never get there but be amazed by how pregnant an unconcern can be. Eat a chocolate log at Christmas. The chocolate log is full of termites, while Insaniclaus is dragg'd across the sky by woods creatures that he chain'd together. And he whips them. George Washington chew'd up Honest Abe's chocolate log on Christmas day so Abe could then split it into shitty firewood. It is the same to bite flies. It is the same to get over a turkeycarcass can be; when you hibernate do you aometimes just bernate? Or do you just sit among the stones in the corner. It is how people bernate the least that makes us all granite in the face, over time. Not according to Eddie Grossfart. He's opening the milk store.
So the problem, then, is time. But you can sand it! There aren't enough days that know this, so cumulatively, there is not enough knowledge among days, or in them. Knowing this and thinking your way around it does no good and only helps you being happy in your person- miserable. When this tells you, it tells us that you are a single line of black elms edging a rounded hill. They are leafdown revealing a thing they hold, which you have always smellt in your eyes. This thing is liquid aminals; you agree it is a scugly rag wringing a black drip into liquid aminals. It is perfect for them to hide in chocolate logs.
Misjudge the sunset as a rising sun in reverse, so mistake a sunrise when it is a sunset on your fresh untoucht unspoke face. You can Not shaking into that desert, for the very reason it is. And negotiations begin so far away, so peaced across the space; this is mere static lint. It's like a bunch of pickles and maggots that impossderstand to harvest. My what crops we shared? My how the chimney dives to swim the water below: it is a grand sin, and before the edge of our day we will hear of this, the rabies will find us, but we will have made them from water and air to make a ground to stand on. It paints poorly and shows it is just self so when rotted logs are emptied and they turn to chocolate. It is like this with rabbits when they are eaten by wolves.
They turn to chocolate and speak in chocolate. They are very wise, for they learn that nails are screws, and they wait for you on the train. It is a train that takes them away. It is a honeybear train. You can't be saved if you cannot be safe for sloppy. She shines her hidey hole to make it obvious for him; her paw is fill'd with honey. It is wearing bad breath for a gown. It is being a snowman in summer. In the summer, the snowman hibernates in the bear cave.
You can't beat on spring until the snowman is convinced to go sleep in a bear cave, and snowmen never do this until they know the cave is safe to enter the mouth of the blue whale. The bears must be roasting their pines before the porridge can be tasted. Thus, you cannot convince a bear to rise until you have drawn his honey from the cave. We have to get used to this and lie ourselves down early. Honeybears especially hate this, more so than waterbears, who cover themselves in turpentine and swim on fire to melt her ice. Show a mug of treacle at the cave door and the Honeybear will wish to refine it.
You can do this with a barbwire fish to a waterbear. A honeybear will take that as a bait for making Mexican tires with. This shows where the river is alive it is fill'd with our dead. When you are dead you belong to the river that remembers you. It will put rabies in your eye when it sees you, and seeing it is inevitable for us all, for it enters every room, even sleeping; it hangs dripping off the horn of a garbage sack unicorn.
Chop off this chocolate log from the chocolate tree and give it over to the termites; they are like fire and they get angry when they actually do get burnt in fire. That runnyrice is too dumb to be the wheat! It does not wear the same magnificent bran; she cannot warm herself in winter. And wheat has germs. She knows the bird has taken it. This is why she fishes. The birds take it from the fish to give it to the fish. So Big Bird yells at people, because he knows people are happier when they are miserable; when you are miserable, you have no choice but to just be miserable. So you can be very happy by just being miserable. Please be just completely miserable. You can wait for the radio signals from another to meat you, but our radio is not on.