Inok and I have been talking about it for a while, and we (I) decided that enough was enough, it was time for the happy couple to have a definite web presence- especially for our parents and web savvy people that dont have livejournals/don't want LJ's etc etc etc
That's what is for.
In addition to giving Inok and I really spiffy new email addresses (can you guess what they are?) it allows us to tell people that our blogs (that's right, they're both on the same page) are at
Also there is our photo gallery, soon to be
delicious library, I'm probably going to put a couple tutorials up there as well, and include several websites I've made in the past (like my attempt to create a site for vectorized camo swatches)
You might be saying to yourself: Gee, why should I even bother with livejournal? Inok and Sean are the only two people I read anyway, I might as well just quit livejournal and browse exclusively!
Well, there's a catch, is basically a mirror of our public posts on livejournal, as there are still things we want to remain privateish :) No offense Ma and Pa ;)
But take a look around, leave a comment, do whatever! We'll probably be linking
whatever there fairly frequently, so I hope you'll be seeing the site a lot.