
Jan 18, 2005 20:02

Fall 2004: University Cancels two of sean's classes a week before school starts.
Sean finds new classes
University Cancels one of them.
Sean finds new classes
Sean finds out his old classes have labs during the new classes times.
Sean drops the 2 new classes
Sean gets an A, a B+ and a B-
Dad yells at university for 2 months, trying to get me into Part Time Status (9 Credit Hours) instead of full time (15) University does not budge

Spring 2005: Sean enrolls in 5 units.
No classes canceled, one close call.
Sean challenges B- grade from last semester, after learning the rest of the class except for him got an A. Teacher does not return phone calls.
University Financial aid sends letter to Sean telling him he has been put on financial aid probation because he did maintain a 2.0 GPA
Sean points out his GPA from last semester was a 3.3; and overall is a 3.4.
University Financial aid tells Sean that they're putting him on financial aid probation because he did not complete 12 units- the minimum for a full time student.
University Financial aid tells Sean that he has also been put on Academic Probation.

Sean is livid.
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