Uncontrol ∞ JE, *NC-17*

Mar 16, 2008 00:53

Title: Uncontrol
Fandom: JE
Pairing: Ohkura Tadayoshi/Murakami Shingo
Rating: light NC-17
Warning: Ohkura is dirty.
Summary: Request: Hina and Ohkura in a bar.
Notes: Written for the 2008 JE Rarepair Fic/Smut Anonymeme. Title is less a reference to the song and more a reference to the situation.

11:45 PM
Murakami Shingo decides two things.
One: He doesn't like the loud techno music as much after five hours of it.
Two: He's never going to try to throw a "cool" birthday party for a kouhai again.
He's glad that the bartender senses his pain and is giving him an endless glass of something numbing.

11:50 PM
Ohkura Tadayoshi looks at his watch and grins lazily. He's lurking in a strangely dark corner near the edge of the bar, surveying the room. Giggling girls walk by and try to get his attention, but he's focused, and his smile only widens as Hina hiccups and pounds his fist on the bar.

12:00 AM
Murakami Shingo rests his head on the bar, slurring through the end of some tirade about "kids these days". Through all the noise, nobody really notices when Hina's hand sends the glass to the floor, where it miraculously doesn't shatter. Nobody but...

12:01 AM
Ohkura Tadayoshi, who scoops the glass up from the floor and deposits it on the counter with a smile. He leans over Hina's smile, pressing lips to the older man's earlobe.

"Haven't you had enough?"

Hina groans in response. Ohkura wraps his lips around the cuff of Hina's ear and sucks lightly, briefly. He presses his hips forward. Hina groans a different sort of groan.

12:05 AM
The bartender "wanders" away.

Ohkura walks Hina back to the dark corner at the end of the counter and pulls him close. Tottering, they edge into the darkest corner, Ohkura's body shielding Hina from the room's view.

12:09 AM (?)
Ohkura loses track of time as his lips and Hina's lips vie for dominance. He catches Hina's wrists and counts it as a victory, since Hina's response is to arch his back and grind their hips together.

Minutes pass, and Ohkura's fingers are unfastening Hina's belt and pants because Hina won't stop mumbling about how unfair the whole thing is, how it's making him hard and annoyed because the location is just inappropriate.

But Ohkura has charmed things--actions and reactions--out of Hina before, and he won't let it stop now. There's skin touching skin, and Hina is starting to appreciate the steady, guiding rhythm of the music. They both move, hips and hand in counterpoint.

Ohkura, as the instigator, doesn't expect to get more out of the act than a quick S thrill, but when Hina looks at him with half-lidded eyes, he thinks it was his best idea in weeks. A short, almost stupid word of praise falls from Ohkura's tongue. He holds back to gaze Hina rather than closing the precious distance between them.

Hina's mouth is hanging open, his breath coming and going in intermittent groans. He can feel Ohkura's fingers, and he can feel the cool of the air around them, but this awareness fades as their bodies move.

Soon, all he feels are thoughts whirling: Yes, more, faster.

Studying Hina's face, Ohkura pulls his own slackened lips into a smirk and twists his wrist a few times. Hina's head drops back and hits the liquor cabinet, but he doesn't care and nobody hears.

Finally, he leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to Hina's temple. "Ne, Hina," he purrs, adjusting his grip on Hina's cock. "Next time, let's fuck." With a few more quick strokes Hina is finished, and Ohkura smiles. He pulls his soiled hand to his mouth and licks away the stray white drops with one long swipe.

Ohkura nonchalantly grabs a bar towel and hands it to Hina, then turns to drive off any suspicious band members. He looks at his watch.

12:30 AM

rarepair/smut meme 2008, ohkura tadayoshi, nc-17, murakami shingo, kanjani8

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