Jun 12, 2009 19:22
Cheers to the 111th Independence Day Celebration of the Philippines! ^_^
Speaking of independence, recently I've been telling myself I should become more independent. You see, my sister is planning/planned (I don't know if she's really going to pursue it, though) to rent a room or something and live by herself for the mean time since the network she's working for is quite far from here and her call times are like, so early. I thought "That's cool~".. but when I think of it, it seems to be really hard. I realized that there are a lot of things I can't do on my own (i.e. waking up early, haha). Some people ask me why I'm not going to rent a dormitory for college. Well aside from the fact that the university's not really that far from here, I didn't want to live in a dormitory because how could I when I don't even know how to do some chores by myself? And I'd probably always be running late for school. Haha. I should really start learning how to become responsible. Or else I'll be a goner in a few years if I don't. Haha.
In connection with the title of this post, I've just watched the Hanamaru Cafe (2008.11.7) episode with Toda Erika as guest. She talked about a lot of stuff and boy, her father is really strict! She said she didn't really have that much freedom at all because 1) she has a curfew, and it's 6:30; 2) she wasn't allowed to go to festivals and such (aww.. festivals seem to be so much fun, I wish I could go to one myself); 3) even when she's in high school she wasn't really allowed to go to her friends' places. It made me realize how lucky I am that my parents aren't that strict. Haha. But her dad seemed cool. He taught her some kind of martial art when she was three and she took up a lot more lessons, one of which is also some kind of martial art. How I wish I took up lessons when I was a kid. I mean, I could still learn a lot of things now but, it would be much easier if you learned when you were a kid right? Anyway, I really like her because she seems so natural and bubbly. She even admitted to being boyish (like me).
Back to the topic of freedom and independence, I really think people should cherish the freedom that our heroes once fought for, but at the same time.. we should also be responsible.
I'm being so random now, I'd better end this post. Jaa~
fandom: jcelebs,