21 Days of Sembreak (2)

Nov 19, 2010 17:54

Epilogue :)) A random post detailing what happened during the rest of my sembreak..


Looks like I'm making some progress ^^, I sort of organized some parts of the room (still far from being totally organized though), finished some blog posts and read some translations today :) It's just a little, but at least I did something today XD I still feel a bit bored though. I really want to go out of the house.


I was able to go out of the house today. I was told to go to the grocery to buy some stuff, and so I did. It was fun.


Happy United Nations' Day! :D We went to the Mall of Asia today and ate at Joey Pepperoni :) The cookie dough with vanilla ice cream that we had for dessert was really delicious :) I wanted to buy myself new earphones, but I'm still broke as of the moment. Ugh.


I was able to finish some blog posts today, and that's all :))


We had cotillion practice for Dianne's debut. It went on just fine. I'm glad to have had a little time to hang out with my high school friends. I've also organized my closet after some time :))


Pre-enlistment results are out and I got into all the classes (and scheds) that I enlisted. Haha. CRS loves me. I still don't have PE though (the ones I chose weren't offered this sem), so I have to undergo late registration again for that. My choices are Badminton (Th 1-3PM) and Philippine Games (F 3-5PM), and I still can't decide. I really wanted to have Arnis as my PE. Anyway, three more blog posts to finish. Then tomorrow, I might do some organizing again.


I organized the top most level of our bookshelf today, and I realized that we totally need to decongest it to be able to accommodate everything XD I wish we had a mini library because then we wouldn't have a problem about space :)) I also took out and compiled my readings/print-outs/hand-outs from my three semesters in uni, and boy are they many! The compilation is so thick, and now I don't know where to place them. I'm thinking of going through that pile again, take out the ones that I think will still be useful to me, then ringbind/bookbind them. Then for the others, maybe I'll keep them for future printing and if it already has a print-out on both sides of the paper, then maybe I could take them somewhere where they can be recycled. Argh. Organizing and throwing things out = tiring ^^,"

It's already been a week of sembreak and I think I'm making progress. I'm almost done with finishing my blog posts (one more to go!) :)


We were supposed to have cotillion practice today but Dianne called me saying we won't be having practice. So I just went to a dental clinic at SM to have my panoramic x-ray done. Two of my wisdom teeth are out of place (the other one is really impacted), and I'll be having one of them extracted before the sembreak ends.

Anyway, I was able to finish my blog posts today. I'll be doing my LJ posts next. I also learned today that the sched for my BS155 class has been moved to Wednesday 1-4PM, so maybe I'll choose Badminton as my PE next sem.


We went to Tagaytay today to buy flowers for Monday's occasion. The traffic was really heavy, but at least we got pretty flowers for a cheaper price. We also had a few hours of fresh, cool upland air ^^,


We had cotillion practice again today. I arrived at Dianne's place 10 minutes after 11:00. I thought I was late, but it turned out that I was actually early, as the others still weren't around. Those guys XD Anyway, we started past 12:00, then had lunch at around 1:00, and continued practice until 4:00. I think we're doing well. After practice, we just hang out and then decided to go to McDo. Mara, Kacey, Jonas and I went, and I finally got to eat my McFlurry ^^, I didn't stay too long though, 'cause I had to attend mass at 5:45. But it was fun.


Today's All Saints' Day and so we were off to visit our deceased loved ones at the cemetery. We only got to stay for a few hours though, 'cause it started to rain early evening. We stayed for only about 3 hours.


Nothing much today. I feel sleepy so I just slacked off most of the day. (Oh no, I hope my motivation's not leaving me, I still have a few things to finish).

Watched the Arashi Anniversary Concert today. It was really nice. Fave perfs were Sakura Sake (I love the concert atmosphere! So lively! ^^,) Believe (I like the dance and the fireworks), A.RA.SHI (dorky Arashi is ♥) and of course 5x10 (the song is beautiful and the perf itself is really touching).

2010.11.3 --> Ryo-chan no tanjoubi :)

As compensation for slacking off yesterday, I decided to be a bit productive today :) My parents asked me to sweep dirt off the rooms upstairs, and so I did. I don't know if our room's really just the dirtiest, or if it's just because I have the liberty to move things more, but I was able to sweep off a lot of dust from our room XD

I felt good after. Being productive is nice after all XD Tomorrow, I plan on organizing my drawers next.


Organized my drawers today. Can't say that I've finished the organizing yet, though. I still don't know what to do with some things that I've taken out. I seriously need to find some waste market 'cause I really just can't throw some things away. I always feel like they can still be reused or recycled.


I had my wisdom tooth extracted today. It didn't hurt while the extraction was going on because of the anesthesia, but after it wore off it hurt badly T_T Good thing it won't last for so long, though... Need to hurry up 'cause school's starting again next week...

I've stopped writing after this. The week after was spent on enrolling. I had a good time with my best friends at MOA on the 8th, then spent one whole day on late registration on the 10th. I wasn't able to get any slots for PE, so I just changed my MST subject from NatSci 4 to NatSci 8. School started on the 11th (Tegoshi no tanjoubi ^^,). And that's about it. I'm still far from being productive during breaks, but at least I didn't spend it slacking off everyday :)

thoughts, random, uni

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