Lauren Helton
Attn: MAPS
Central Coast Ranger Dist
PO Box 400
1130 Forestry Ln
Waldport, OR 97394-0400
Send me some awesome mail, guys.
Anyway, I'm not going to recap all of the last two weeks. Man, it feels like so much longer than that, too. Grants Pass is a great place to camp, we caught tons of birds, and everyone in the NW MAPS crew is so awesome. We even had a guy from Wales who was a fellow Boosh fan, and he recommended a bunch of new stuff for us to watch and download, whooo. And another intern from California is in fandom and loves Doctor Who and so we're working on hooking her on Boosh as well.
And then on Wednesday, this made my day:
Isn't she gorgeous? She's very pale, even for a juvenile red-shouldered hawk. I got her in one of our mist nets - she'd tried to catch one of the warblers we had caught and got stuck herself, of course. We don't really have any means to band raptors since we're set up for songbird banding only, but it was still awesome to get her out and have a look at her before letting her go.
Friday was the last day of training, and that afternoon I arrived at my current location, the Oregon coast. Portland crew, you guys have to come banding with me! Or at least come visit me and we can hang out at the beach. I'll be pretty busy this month, setting up our sites here in Siuslaw (we did two today and oh god the rainforest is so beautiful) and down in Fremont National Forest, where our staff biologist's other crew will be staying.
We set up two banding sites today, and man, I will never grow hungry out here. Between the two sites, I found:
oregon grape
stream violet
bracken fern
Needless to say, there will be some epic salads this summer. Plus awesome salsa because our biologist, Ramiro, is from Oaxaca and makes incredible salsa. So. It will be an exciting and delicious summer.