(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 21:40


For the summer, anyway. It's called MAPS, which stands for Monitoring Avian Populations Survey. Starting on May 1 I will vanish to Grant's Pass, Oregon, for a training session, and then until August 8 I'll be in some section of national forest in Washington or Oregon, catching and banding birds every morning from 5 am to noon. Unlike before, I'll (probably) have internet access semi-regularly, since I'll actually have days off (gasp!). So you might see me once or twice a week, or more? Hard for me to say, at this point.

Still waiting on the feds to approve my falconry license, which is so aggravating. At this point I doubt I'll have it before the end of trapping season (Saturday), so if it comes to be Saturday and I still have no license, I'm calling my sponsor to see what he thinks of me asking rehab places if they'll let me have one of their kestrels. It's worth a shot, anyway.

Finally, my wat moment of the day - I was reading an ongoing, regularly-updating fic, which has an entertaining story even if I disagree with their characterization choices sometimes. I realized there was something truly off about the writing when I realized that Shadow had more in-fic chemistry with random npc Mexican restaurant waitress in that one scene than he does with Sonic in the entire rest of the fic. Good job, authors. Good job.

maps, falconry, gtfo my fandom

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