Alas, we must now cast off the lovely white-tailed hawk and peregrine falcon, because their juveniles are nothing spectacular. Shame, but so it goes, when there are so many other beautiful birds to look at!
Today, we will be looking at some lovely mugshots. Everyone loves a pretty face. :D (I know, some of these aren't true mugshots, strictly speaking, but I take what I can get, okay?) But not all faces are pretty enough to make it to the next round, so vote vote vote for the one you like the least!
Hawks and eagles:
1. Red-tailed Hawk
2. Red-shouldered Hawk
3. Northern Goshawk
4. Harris' Hawk
5. Ferruginous Hawk
6. Ornate Hawk-Eagle
7. Golden Eagle
1. American Kestrel
2. Merlin
3. Gyrfalcon
4. Aplomado Falcon
5. Laughing Falcon
6. Bat Falcon
7. Lanner