You guys have something against big noses, don't you? Woe. Say farewell to the Steller's Sea Eagle and the Crested Caracara. They are now emo and insecure about their big noses. Way to go.
Today, we will be examining these fine birds in action! Remember, vote for your least favorite, based solely on appearance. Which is a hilarious way to judge a hawk.
Hawks and eagles:
1. Red-tailed Hawk
2. Red-shouldered Hawk
3. Cooper's Hawk
4. Northern Goshawk
5. Harris' Hawk
6. White-tailed Hawk
7. Ferruginous Hawk
8. Ornate Hawk-Eagle
9. Golden Eagle
1. American Kestrel
2. Merlin
3. Prairie Falcon
4. Peregrine Falcon
5. Gyrfalcon
6. Aplomado Falcon
7. Laughing Falcon
9. Bat Falcon
10. Lanner