I got tagged by
moonbin_is_love <33
1. List 7 facts/quirks/habits of yours
2. Tag seven people to do the same
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you and do not say that you tag "Who ever wants to do it."
and i tag :
sisca_tvxq 7 facts/habits of mine :
1. i always being a cute and nice person in front of my senpai(s), but i'm gossiping them behind (i'm sure i'm very bad person XP)
2. i love sing so i do it everywhere and everytime i got bored
3. i love chocolate parfait <333
4. i always claim Jaejoong as my husband... LOLZ
*get smacked by Jaejoong*
5. i hate spider!!!! =( so i never watch spiderman... LOL)
6. i have sopran voice so when i'm screaming, everybody near me will cover their ears... XDDD
7. i always buy one doll everytime i go shopping... till i dont know where to put them >.<