just finished watching
Fuck (2005) followed by
Shortbus (2006). Really good flicks, completely different, yet connected. I remember back when I watched Return of the Living Dead and some other movie, I think Pump Up The Volume in the same night and how I connected those. I think if you look hard enough, you can draw these wisps of connective tissue from everything and weave them together in this big mystical placemat. There was a lot of penis in Shortbus, more than I'd expected, but looking back on the film, the male nudity was never an issue to me. I wonder if that's a problem with me or a testament to the quality of the film. It's beauty. It's love, the film is connection. It's a screaming in a tunnel, in the middle of the park, at the beginning of twilight, with no one around, in the middle of November, with that golden hue that surrounds everything. but within the tunnel it's dark, and there are echoes all around. So you make a noise, a guttural roar, primal in no sense, but human in every sense. What returns to your ears is some sort of response from nature, not what you'd ever ask for, but what you might expect.
i refuse to edit these.
I think in some strange, spiritual muck right now are the souls of Saddam Hussein, Gerald Ford, and James Brown. They will be formed into one giant soul and go into a kid who will become the greatest breakdancer/civil rights activist that the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he'll die unexpectedly at the age of 23 when he eats some bad tabouli.
tabouli. Tah-boo-lee. yum
I'm DJ Mini-Mart, cause that's where I work.