OOC// Application.

Sep 20, 2008 01:23

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Ryou
Are you over 15?: Yes, freshly turned 19.
LJ username: hizamazuite
Time Zone: -8 GMT, Pacific.
AIM: orewasoumen, etc.
MSN: orewasoumen[@]msn[.]com
E-mail: yomicchi[@]gmail[.]com
Tegaki: Ryou.
Anything Else?: I still hate writing applications!

In-Character Information
Name: Denji/Volkner
Game/Series: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl & Platinum
Age & Grade Level: 17, junior, transfer.
Often times, Denji is seen as an angsty teenager for some strange reason, but this is not the case-if he's suffering from anything, it's not emotional frustration; it's intense boredom. After having felt unchallenged for so long, Denji is quite listless, simply drifting along, bored with everything and everyone in what he finds to be a lackluster life. He's also generally aloof in disposition and not very social at all. Because of this, he seems like a bit of a snob.

It's not impossible to make friends with Denji, but he isn't very expressive either, so it may be hard to decipher what he really feels about other people. The time he'll be most likely to show emotion is if he finds someone irritating (in which case he will, quite bluntly, tell the person they're annoying him) or if something amuses him.

A handsome young man hailing from Sunyshore City in the region of Sinnoh, Denji is a new addition to the school. Denji is the only child of Sunyshore's current gym leader and is set to inherit the gym once his father retires.

When he was 11-years-old, just like most other children who wanted to become a pokemon trainer, he was enthusiastic about setting out to journey across the entire region to collect pokemon to build his team, collect badges by challenging gym leaders, and of course, gain experience to become a great trainer. Denji worked hard to become a trainer worthy of leading a gym someday, knowing that one day, Sunyshore City’s gym would be his. He earned all of the Sinnoh gym badges, including the Beacon Badge from Sunyshore, then he became a junior trainer working under his father. A few years later, however, he began to show up there less and less, until he stopped coming completely.

Although he is a strong and brilliant trainer, he has lost all drive and passion for battling, as it has been a long time since he last battled someone who was "worth his time" at his father‘s gym. He became more and more bored with everything, while his father became more and more frustrated with him. To alleviate his boredom, Denji began drawing up plans for renovating Sunyshore’s gym and soon enough, put his plans to action.

One day, Denji's father overheard one of the local girls talking to another girl (who, strangely enough, had fox ears and six tails) about a school far away from Sinnoh, a school where students learn to battle, in addition to core academics. His interest piqued, the father inquired about the school to the girl. The more he heard, the more exciting the school sounded-perhaps that was just the thing Denji needed to restore the fire in his heart for pokemon battles, a change in scenery and a place where he could truly be challenged!

Then, while he was asking the girl more about the school, the electricity went out in all the city. It was later found that the blackout was caused by none other than Denji and his gym renovations. That was the last straw for Denji's father, and he was immediately made plans to send Denji to Smash Bros. Academy. Before he left, Denji was told he will not be allowed to become the gym leader until the passion for pokemon battling is restored in his heart. And so, with a roll of the eyes and a sigh, Denji boarded a train for SBG.

Anything Else?:
[x] He doesn't care whether you refer to him as Denji or Volkner, since he'll answer to both.
[x] He has a few pokemon of his own, but they're typically left in their balls. (Saying this since I don't think it's very likely that I'll be able to get anyone to join as his pokemon, considering the cap and there'd be at least one repeat.) Currently, his team consists of a Raichu, Aipom, Electabuzz and... Octillery. He collected plenty of other pokemon during his journey through Sinnoh as a young trainer, however, he doesn't normally use them anymore.
[x] Despite his current team, he definitely has an affinity for electric types, and each of his pokemon has an electrical attack. Yes, even Octillery.
[x] He likes to watch the waves of the sea.
[x] He likes puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, mazes and brain teasers, hence the silly button-pushing and gears he set up after renovating his father's gym. That, and he thought that perhaps it could provide him with some entertainment later down the road, even if the battles turned out to be no sweat at all.
[x] Yes, the girls Denji's father was talking to are the schoolgirl and Vulpix. ;D

In-Character Example Post:
This is completely stupid.

I don’t know what dad was thinking, sending me here. What am I supposed to learn here? It isn't as though you can re-learn something like passion for battling. It isn't my fault if challengers are unable to put up a real fight. If something is boring, then it's boring. Am I supposed to feign interest in a battle that provides no thrill at all? Furthermore, how is sending me to a school far away from home supposed to help me at al-did that little girl just break that brick wall with a kick?

... You have got to be kidding me.

Perhaps this place is worth looking into after all.

data, !ooc

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