Jun 24, 2004 06:13
OMG! Graduation was the fuckin hotness. The march down central avenue invoked a feeling in me that I only feel once in my life. I felt so empowered to do just about anything. Megan and Jason’s speech really hit home and really touched my heart. I felt like crying but surprisingly I didn’t cry at all at the ceremony. It hit me right then that this is all over, but I kept it together and then I was so happy that I forgot how sad I was. God, I’m awful at goodbyes.
See, everyone who has ever been a part of life in the past. Like, my old best friends like Jess and John and Yamell for example. All my peeps from the middle school. You all have a very special place in my heart no matter what happens to us. The same goes for my close friends now. Wherever we go, whatver happens to us: You will remain in my memories forever.
Oh God, now I’m crying because I’m actually thinking about this. Like don’t get me wrong, I am trilled to know that I will never have to be around the kind of ingnorance that infests RHS. But living here all my life, I’ve accepted the diversity. So no biggie. But I really hope all my old friends will KIT with me. It’s funny…As Megan so brilliantly pointed out in her speech, all our lives are journeys in the woods. We all are faced with paths that we choose. I have choosen Gettysburg, PE has my next route. What’s nice is that from time to time, our routes will intersect and we will once again see each other. I can’t wait. God, I love you guys so very much. I’ve tried so hard not to cry yesterday and I succeeded but now there are just more tears for me now.
I felt so exhilarated after the ceremony and that’s a feeling that no one NO ONE can take away from me. I feel so empowered to take control of my future. What made this the best was this: for the first time in my life, my family was around to see me. It was so nice to see them there and for once, they didn’t care that I wasn’t the best of the best. They didn’t even ask what rank I was b/c I don’t think it matters to them. I’m #13 in my class and I used to regret every moment that I slacked off and didn’t do what I was supposed to. I used to hate myself for not being more like my sister who was #3 out of a class of 800 fuckin peeps. But ya know, what? I graduated yesterday with NO REGRETS. No regrets about the choices I have made in my life because life is way too short to be living in the past. We have grown so much individuals and I feel that I am ready for the real world. World: I accept your challenge. Live life as there is no tomorrow.
So guys, I’m going to try and add all the freakin ppl I was supposed to add on my friends list. Well thanks everyone for the memories. I feel like Melissa joan hart from that movie “cant hardly wait" lol but seriously, it’s all about the memories. When we’re all off doing bigger and better things than RHS, memories are going to be the only thing left.
Oh, and project graduation was the fuckin hotness, too. That shit was dope b/c there was a buncha free shit so =). Plus I got to see all my niggas all together for the last time. Well I best be out, kids.