IRL Babbling; But Sometimes, Life is Good, Son

Dec 08, 2011 20:01

SO. The past couple weeks or so have been very kind to me, and I'm riding on the high until something goes wrong. Which, theoretically, could be tomorrow because I'm traveling and traveling is a bitch. But I digress.

First off--I handed in my dissertation! As of about 4 o'clock today, it is officially my professor's problem. 19 pages of me repeating myself over and over and trying to come up with different words for "Germany" and "Britain" because I must have typed them about a thousand times. I can finally haul that bag of questionable books about Nazis, fascism and two Hitler biographies back to the London Library where they will judge me from afar. Except for the whole hauling process, especially when the big fat Hitler biography I have doesn't fit in my bag so I can to carry it on the Tube. Yes. People do stare. But, finally, I am done with it. Not that it was killing me, I hit the word limit over the weekend and already had the professor tell me how much he loves my writing. He told me it was some of the best, "If not the best" he'd ever read. My professor. A man who's written more books than times he's gotten laid, probably. (He's married.) I am dumbfounded.

Secondly, speaking of Nazis, I'm going to Germany tomorrow! Germany is one of those places I've always wanted to go, ever since I first learned what it was. It just seemed so... so interesting sounding. The more I learned about it, the more I wanted to see it. And then I learned about WWII. I still wanted to go so, so badly. Except I wanted to go to Italy first, which is been there, done that, yadda yadda. But now I get to go to GERMANY. So. Excited. We're staying in this cute hostel in what was once East Berlin, but the street we're staying on is one of the nicer, renovated-since-then streets with lots of money. We're gonna go to the Christmas markets, and some pubs, and a beer hall, and see the Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate and then depress ourselves with the Holocaust memorial but who cares we're going to Germany. At 6:45 in the morning but, alas. GERMANY.

Thirdly, I just bought a new laptop. My current laptop, the laptop I've been using since August 2008, has a permanently damaged hard drive, a broken keyboard, a battery that lasts 30 minutes at best, missing screws, a broken speaker, the screen is falling off and every time I turn it off it takes longer and longer to turn back on. This laptop has been across the United States four times, over one ocean so far (and will be going back soon), has been carted all over Boston, has been dropped on desks, slid behind beds, thrown on beds, stepped on, bumped into, the hard drive has collapsed three times, it's gotten two major viruses, and runs slower and slower with every passing day. It has been my savior and has gotten me to cry late at night; it's gotten me through three and a half years of paper writing, researching and essay-bullshitting. It has gotten me through hundreds of fanfics for three different fandoms. It's done so much for me, and now it's time to put it to rest. I'm either going to sell it for parts, donate it or recycle it. Not sure yet, any ideas?

So things are good. Marginally. Also I have a job interview for a high-paying job next week, but I've had lots of interviews that have amounted to nothing so I'm not getting my hopes up, buuuuuuuut still. It's awesome.

irl: dissertation, irl: abroad

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