Title: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Characters/Pairings: Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire (hints of HRE=Germany)
Summary: An orchestral backdrop to the short-lived romance of Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire.
Notes: My first FST and I'm quite excited. I absolutely adore orchestral soundtracks and I finally made one of my own. It's a mixture of mostly movie soundtracks but they all follow a common theme. It gets a bit rocky towards the end when Holy Rome and Chibitalia have to say goodbye but, it's hopeful.
Featuring music from A Little Princess, American Beauty, Munich, The Village, Angels and Demons, The King's Speech, and Pearl Harbor, to name a few. Please let me know if you like it/if you'd like some other download links/or file types! I'm quite new to this file-sharing business. Thank you!
Mediafire link (.zip)