[APH] And A Bold World [PruHun]

Aug 31, 2011 10:05

Title: And A Bold World
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Prussia and Hungary; PruHun
Rating: R
Warnings: Some language; sex; hat fetish and power kink
Summary: Hungary is unabashedly attracted to a certain Prussian and his military uniform during WWII, so she takes matters into her own hands.
Notes: Kink meme de-anon from ten thousand years ago. I love me some PruHun smut, amirite?
Original prompt: Hungary has a fetish for Prussia's (WWII uniform) hat.

”I need to speak with you. Privately.”

“Whatever you have to say about the war can be said here, Eliza.”

“No. We must go to your office. You’ll understand why soon enough.” The two of them were able to slip away from the others, Prussia’s heeled boots clicking as they walked across linoleum tiles to the back of the building, where Prussia’s office was. It didn’t even dawn on Prussia that Hungary had asked her sentiments in Hungarian, blatantly breaking the code of ‘German Only During Meetings’ but, he didn’t care much.

Prussia opened his office door for Hungary (like a gentleman as always), and he followed after her as she entered. She stood near his desk, hands clasped behind her back, poised and straight, her beret tilted (artfully, fashionably) to the side just a bit. Prussia locked the door and walked towards Hungary, the only sound the resolute click of his heels and the slight jingle of the pins on the front of his coat. They only dressed in their finest war attired during meetings, for the Axis Powers were serious, prosperous nations on the cusp of a new era. And both Hungary and Prussia played their parts, at the moment.

Prussia only had a second before Hungary turned on him, pushing his back against the closed door, pinning his arms by his side and hovering before him with poised lips and rosy cheeks.

“It’s been a long time, Gil,” she said (purred), and brought her face closer to his. “You look incredible in your blue dressings.” She slid her hands up his arms, over the stiff dark blue fabric and stopped at his shoulders, gently massaging them through the shoulder pads and metal.

Prussia’s face broke into a grin, one that spread across his entire face and made Hungary lick her lips.

“There’s just been no time, what with the war and all,” he said, and he slid his gloves off his hands and reached out to Hungary’s jacket, sliding gold buttons out of their fastens. Hungary took her gloves off as well, pressing against Prussia and leaning so close her breath was hot on his skin.

“Prussia, I’m divorced,” she murmured against his collar, “and that means I haven’t gotten any since the divorce. Besides, no one’s really been able to satisfy me like you.”

“Oh?” Prussia asked, and her jacket was gone and her blouse was still on but the buttons were coming apart and his jacket was falling off his shoulders and the blue contrasted with the creamy milky skin so nicely Hungary could just melt. His shock of white hair from underneath the dark navy hat was just as delectable. “And why was now-right after a fairly important meeting-so pertinent to your lusts?” Hungary rolled her eyes as fingers found their way into his shirt, fingernails rolling over his bare chest.

“You Germans might be an assholish, murderous lot-“


“-but these uniforms,” Hungary breathed, “they’re magnificent.”

“I see,” Prussia replied, and that devilish half-grin spread across his face as Hungary began laying kisses to his neck. He lost his hands in her long tresses and laid his head back against the door, thankful his office was so far back in the building. Soft moans were escaping Hungary’s lips and she grinded against him, jamming one knee up against his groin and making him groan in both pain and pleasure.

“We could at least move, you know, eventually this ‘against a door’ thing isn’t going to work,” Prussia muttered. Hungary reached up, grabbed his chin and pushed her lips to his, soaking in his taste as she did so. Prussia was surprised but then closed his eyes, sliding his hands down to her shoulders and sliding her blouse off so he was left to run his hands over skin instead. Hungary turned her head slightly to the side, widening and deepening their kiss, their faces so close together Prussia could practically feel her eyelashes stroke his cheek. Hungary pulled away and bit her lower lip, pulling on his collar. She pulled him away from the door, spun around, and slammed her back to the door, pulling him forward.

“This better?” she asked, and she hunched her shoulders and smiled at him with that smile, the one she’d used to seduce him so many times before. Prussia’s shirt was discarded and Hungary ran her fingertips over his scars on his chest. She undid his belt while he unzipped her pencil skirt from the side, allowing it to pool at her ankles (she was still wearing her boots. Prussia didn’t mind.) Soon his trousers were shucked and he was pressing against Hungary, pushed up against the door, the door groaning under their combined weight. He slid one hand up her thigh and around her butt, lifting just a little, and he used both his arms to lift her into the air and pressed his pelvis against her, using his weight and her weight to keep her suspended. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he could feel the slide of the leather against his bare waist but he didn’t mind. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him and she was sandwiched between the door and Prussia and it felt so good it should have been a sin.

“I think,” she whispered into his ear, using one hand to hold onto his shoulder and the other to make him a little more excited, “that this whole ‘against the door thing’ is going to work perfectly fine.” He moaned in response, a deep throat kind of sound, and he kissed and then bit her neck, sinking his teeth into her flesh. He didn’t break skin but it would leave a mark. Luckily her uniform solved that problem for them.

When he was ready Hungary released him from her grip and allowed him to slide into her, with the help of her own hand and by extending her waist forward. She tightened her grip on his neck with the initial insertion pain (no, of course she hadn’t thought of lube, she’d been too damn horny to think of that) but she bore through it and it gave way to pleasure with the initial thrust. It felt weird, with her bare back to the door, but she just laid kisses all up and down his neck as her hands traveled up the back of his neck and into his hair, trialing the edge of his hat. She could hear Prussia grunting not just from his actions but from the amount of weight on his legs, between holding himself up and holding her up, his legs were aching but he didn’t care.

“S-somethin’ wrong with the hat?” Prussia asked into her ear as he realized she was running her fingers along its rim. She pulled her head back from his neck and stared him straight in the face, eyes half-lidded, trying to keep her composure but failing spectacularly.

“You’d best keep that on,” she whispered. “As a matter of fact-“ she tilted the back up so the brim shadowed the top portion of his face, causing his eyes to nearly glow. “So much b-better, you-ohh, te jó Isten,” she murmured as he bucked against her suddenly, and her nails dug into the back of his neck as he kissed her cheek, her earlobe, her chin, and bit her neck once more, at the dip of flesh where her collarbone connected to her shoulder. Since he was using his hands to help prop her up, that left him with only his mouth to explore her body, and she leaned back flat, her head against the wall to allow him to do just that.

Hungary’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she moaned into the air unceremoniously as Prussia trailed down her body with his tongue and lips, as far down as he could reach without dropping them both. Hungary opened her eyes momentarily as another surge of pleasure went through her and she saw that hat looking back at her, and even though Prussia’s hair was a mess underneath it, he still looked incredibly regal and important.

Her own bucking hips were suddenly pressed against even more as Prussia leaned forward, using more of the door to steady both of them as his pants became louder and he became more vocal. His thrusts were losing rhythm, and become more sporadic, and she knew he was close. But she didn’t mind because all she felt was pleasure and power coursing through her. I’m having sex with someone important was all that was running through her mind, amidst the constant ohmygodthisfeelsamazingohohohhh that was also there. She knew once they became intimate again, once she felt him inside her, she’d feel the same power she’d felt back in 1860; the power of an empire. And the hat was just the cherry on top of the imperial cake.

“Ó, Istenem, Poroszország,” she breathed, “Ohhh you have no idea how much I missed this.”

“I g-guess I’m the same,” Prussia responded and she could practically feel him smirking. One of her legs dropped from around his waist as her belly began to pool and fill with even more heat, and she scraped his side as she attempted to wind back around him. He shifted again and she lifted her legs a bit higher and suddenly, he was hitting it, her sweet spot and she nearly let go of him when she was hit with pleasure she didn’t expect.

“P-Poroszország-!” she wailed, and he let go of her waist and clamped a hand over her mouth. Her body tensed and then relaxed, and she closed her eyes, regardless of the fact that there was a hand over her mouth and she was really being squished into the door.

“You are going to get us caught, you ungrateful skinny little-“ but Prussia’s words were lost and replaced with undignified “ohs” and “ahs” and he bent his head forwards on her shoulder, the hat rubbing against her ear and then he made a loud sound, and Hungary put her hand over his mouth.

They stayed in that position for a moment, both breathing heavily and staring at one another with their hands over their mouths. Suddenly Prussia’s arms shook and Hungary unwrapped her legs from around him and allowed him to drop her to the floor as he fell, wincing in pain as he moved his legs slowly.

“Holy shit my legs,” he muttered, and he gently began massaging his calf, although it didn’t help much. Hungary just stood against the door, breathing hard, completely nude save for her boots and her necklace. She slid do the floor, sitting in the circle her skirt had made, and wrapped her arms around her knees as she watched Prussia attempt to solve his leg problem. He untied one boot and winced as it came off with a painful pop and he stretched his foot and ankle.

“Y’know, these dress boots aren’t exactly made with a lot of heavy lifting in mind,” Prussia said, and Hungary frowned at him as he rotated his foot and muttered ow ow ow. He looked back up at her, his breathing having calmed, and she had at the very least put her blouse back on her shoulders, but she was still sitting on the floor.

“You should clean this mess up,” she said, waving her hand at the floor.

“Me? This is your fault.”

“Um, I think you’re the one who made the mess,” she said pointedly, sticking out her tongue. “It’s not like-“

“Hungary? Prussia?” a loud voice and heavy hits to the door startled them both and Hungary nearly toppled over in surprise. “Are you alright? We heard some noises-“

“Don’t worry about it, Feliciano,” Hungary called back sweetly. “We got into a fight but it’s been resolved now. Wait for us outside?”

“Ah, yes,” Italy responded, and he disappeared from the door. Hungary put a hand to her forehead and buttoned her blouse, retrieving her underwear and skirt and pulling them back on. She tucked her blouse into her skirt and ran her hands through her hair a few times, and then her eyes landed on Prussia’s hat, which had fallen off when he fell to the floor. She knelt down before him and picked it up, dusting it off lightly and placing it perfectly on his head, brushing his bangs out of his face as it came to rest. God it was beautiful.

“What? You got a fetish or something?” Prussia asked, cracking his other ankle and buttoning his trousers. Hungary let go of the hat and leaned in, kissing his lips.

“Maybe,” she responded. “It’s a new era, Gilbert. Let’s not make a habit of this ‘not having sex’ thing, okay?” With that she stood, brushed off her skirt, slid into her jacket and arranged her beret on her head. “And next time,” she said, standing at the door, “make sure you have that hat. Actually, every time, make sure you at least have the hat.” And she was gone.


This was so fun to write it should be a sin.

hungary, rating: r, prussia, kink meme, pairing: pruhun

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