[APH] Love Like This [UKUS]

Aug 08, 2011 00:38

Title: Love Like This
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: America, England; UKUS
Warnings: Smut, stripping, pet-names. This is almost borderline PWP.
Summary: After a particularly long meeting, Arthur decides to put on a little show for Alfred involving a three-piece suit and a pair of silk gloves.
Notes: This is a sequel of sorts I've had stewing since I wrote Skin several months ago. The events in this fic take after the first one, although the first one isn't completely necessary to read to understand, it helps. I've been writers blocked for about a week now and I just thought writing something for my favorite pairing would cheer me up. ♥ I hope you enjoy!

Not even the borderline freezing slush-rain drizzling from angry clouds above them could cool the growing fervor between the two. As soon as the meeting ended, both Arthur and Alfred had dashed from the meeting hall, practically falling into Arthur’s car by the gate. Both men chose to ignore the fact that they were supposed to be meeting with their bosses and instead decided they would suffer the consequences when their lust for one another had been quenched.

“I can’t believe you didn’t drive here,” Arthur said as he started up the engine. Francis was giving them a gallant wave from the doorway, smirking in his tweed pants and navy blue pea coat.

“The roads confuse me,” Alfred said as he slid down in his seat. “I Tubed it here.” He was tapping his hands on the interior of the car and along the dashboard impatiently, watching the rain hit the windows. He then turned to Arthur, who was trying to concentrate on driving.

“Do we really have to drive all the way to your house?” Alfred whined. He snaked his hand over Arthur’s to his right, and he could feel the shudder of arousal that ran up the other’s spine. “It’s so far.”

“It’s five minutes, tops, and stop looking at me like that,” Arthur growled, but the ice melted from his voice as Alfred leaned over and swept moist lips along his jawline. “A-Alfred, are you wearing a seat belt?”

“Meh,” came Alfred’s reply, and at that moment Arthur nearly hit a telephone pole as Alfred reached his hand between his legs. With a grunt, a furrowed brow and rosy cheeks, Arthur elbowed Alfred back into the passenger seat. Alfred complied with an angry frown, but his bright blue eyes remained on Arthur’s face the entire drive back to the London estate. Once Arthur brought the car to a still, Alfred leapt from the car, not even bothering to slide back into his coat, and pull the keys from Arthur’s hand, letting himself inside. Arthur rolled his eyes and followed, leaving both their bags in the car.

“Alfred,” Arthur called as he shut the door behind him, shaking out his coat. “Alfred, where did you go?”

“Like it?” Alfred said from Arthur’s right, and his sunny blonde head poked into the front hallway. He had already shed his coat and his suit jacket, instead opting for the (already unbuttoned) pinpoint shirt beneath and his trousers. He was wearing a newsboy cap on his head, one made from wool and polyester with a faded houndsooth pattern. Arthur turned his head to the side as he pulled the scarf from his neck, ringing it out over the doorway.

“Is that mine?” he asked. Alfred grinned from ear to ear.

“I nicked it last time I was here,” Alfred said. “Forgot it was in my coat pocket. So, if you will,” and Alfred gestured to the grandiose staircase behind him. Arthur harrumphed and hung up his scarf, revealing the red and violet welts along his neck and jugular. Alfred nearly gulped at the sight.

“Hold on, love,” Arthur said, and his voice suddenly dropped much lower than before. “This suit is so nice, I can’t have you just tearing it off.” Alfred frowned, hands on his hips, not even bothering to mask the erection poking from his trousers. Arthur chuckled and hung his pea coat to dry on the coat rack by the door. “Why don’t you go wait in the parlor like a good house guest.”

“You told me you were going to, and I quote, ‘jump my bones’ when we got back here,” Alfred protested. He pulled his dress shirt off to reveal a white tank top underneath, tucked neatly into his trousers. Arthur waved a hand towards the parlor.

“Have a seat, lad.” With a groan Alfred complied, sulking into the parlor and sliding down onto one of the lush couches that decorated the room. He was across from the doorway, leaning back, still wearing the newsboy cap he had taken from Arthur. He could hear Arthur humming in the kitchen, probably putting things away from breakfast that morning. The rain continued to pound against the windows.

Without warning, Alfred heard the telltale click click of Arthur’s shoes along the hardwood hallway floor and Arthur appeared in the doorway, pulling off his tie with one gloved hand. He had a smile that could only be described as a smirk, and he leaned against the doorway, narrowing his eyes and tilting his chin up.

Oh, fuck you, Alfred thought, and he breathed deeply through his nose and placed his hands on his thighs. You fucking, sexy, stupid tease. Arthur pulled the tie from his neck and draped it on the back of the chair by the doorway, running his long fingers over the oak frame. He crossed the room and bumped the record player, and soon a low violin song was wafting throughout the room. Alfred just watched as Arthur approached and then sat down in the seat beside him, crossing one leg over the other. He avoided Alfred’s intense gaze and instead unbuttoned his jacket, slowly rotating his shoulders to wiggle free of its confines.

“You’re doing that on purpose,” Alfred muttered. Arthur just closed his eyes and rolled his head slowly towards Alfred, his skin pulling taut and his cheeks flushed with dark, long lashes rolling over his high cheekbones.

“This,” Arthur said as he pulled the jacket into his lap and folded it, “is the finest suit I have. Italian made, of course; it pre-dates the war.”

“I was wondering how you got such a fine garment when half of Europe is in pieces,” Alfred said, leaning back against the cushion. “So, I was good the rest of the meeting, and we come home and you-you do this.”

“I’m not doing anything,” Arthur simply replied. “I’ve never worn this suit around you, how would you know how I care for it? You left before I even pulled it out.” This time, Alfred gave an audible gulp as Arthur started on his vest, pulling each ivory button through its hole as slowly as possible. Arthur then stood, walking across the Persian carpet, closer to Alfred but still not within touching distance, and continued unbuttoning his pressed vest. His fingers slipped because of his silk gloves but he kept the gloves on the entire time, never once motioning to remove them.

As soon as the last button was free, Arthur flexed his shoulders and pulled his arms from the vest, folding the vest and placing it on top of the jacket. All that was left was the Oxford pin-striped shirt, his belt, trousers, shoes and those damn gloves.

Alfred stared up at the elder man as Arthur walked towards him, adjusted his gloves, and motioned for Alfred to sit up. Alfred did so just as Arthur straddled his waist by sitting on his thighs, one leg on each side, and oh Alfred wanted nothing more than to grab his slim waist and pull them together. His toes were curling along the carpet and his body was tensed. Alfred had always been of the opinion that Arthur was sexy, but normally, Arthur didn’t share the opinion.

Clearly, Arthur was very, very aware of how desirable he could be, when in the right situation.

“You fucking planned this didn’t you,” Alfred murmured. The white of Arthur’s skin against the gray of his suit and the shock of violet in those pinstripes made him glow. Arthur started unbuttoning his Oxford from the very top button, slowly revealing his clavicle, shoulders, and upper chest, decorated with white scars.

“What do you mean?” Arthur said, although his smile gave him away. Alfred snickered.

“You wanted to do this little act for me with this suit, didn’t you?” Alfred accused. It wouldn’t have been the first time that Arthur used clothing to seduce his lover. Alfred wasn’t shy in letting Arthur know just what he liked looking at him in-and suits were on the top of the list.

“It’s been a very, very long year,” Arthur said as he moved to the buttons over his abdomen. “Europe is still in pieces, have the world’s finances are in shambles, Asia is a mess, the Soviet Union is becoming the new threat-and I’ve missed you,” Arthur said in a softer voice. His shirt was now completely unbuttoned, although instead of pulling the shirt off he slid his hands over Alfred’s shoulders, pulling Alfred’s forehead to his own.

“I thought that, just for a little while,” Arthur whispered, “we could love just like everyone else.”

“Did I say I was complaining?” Alfred said with a coy smile. “I just want you to tell me I’m right.”

“Did I wake up this morning thinking ‘I’m going to strip out of an expensive three-piece suit for Alfred’? No,” Arthur admitted, and he sat up straight, releasing Alfred from his grasp. “But as soon as you left for the meeting, I knew that, at some point today, I was going to get you all alone for this.”

“Thanks,” Alfred said, and as Arthur pulled the shirt off, Alfred could barely stop himself from reaching out and wrapping his arms around Arthur’s torso, hunching his shoulders and pressing his lips against the lower portion of Arthur’s ribcage. Arthur leaned forward and kissed the top of Alfred’s head, losing his hands in his hair, feeling his heart slam against his chest in anticipation.

“Mmm I want you,” Alfred murmured into his skin. “Please, please Arthur.” Arthur smiled into Alfred’s hair and sat up straight, gently pushing Alfred away, and he reached down and unbuckled Alfred’s belt, much to his surprise. Alfred jumped at the feeling of Arthur’s hands along his hips as Arthur pulled the belt from the loopholes. Suddenly, the dog tags around Alfred’s neck felt very cold as his skin jumped in temperature.

“Someone’s a little excited,” Arthur said as he ran his hands up Alfred’s chest. He then yanked Alfred’s trousers down, and the American gave an annoyed grunt.

“Okay, Mister I-Have-Nice-Clothes, these are nice pants,” Alfred pointed out. Arthur laughed and pulled them down further, over Alfred’s knees so they pooled on the floor by his bare ankles.

“I’ll clean them if need be,” he whispered into Alfred’s ear. They hadn’t even done anything and already Alfred wasn’t sure how much longer he would last. With a twist of his hips and a gentle push, Arthur laid Alfred down on his back along the couch, half laying on top of the younger man, half sitting on the edge of the couch. Alfred gave a sharp intake of breath as Arthur ran his hands up his sides very delicately, riding over the edges of his white tank top, and smoothing over his cheeks into his hair. Arthur then shifted his body so he was once again straddling Alfred, pulling his own trousers down, his face flushed and his eyes at half-mast.

“You,” Alfred said as Arthur leaned closer to his face, a smile gracing his lips, “make sex almost worth going without for four months.”

“Oh, don’t flatter me, love,” Arthur murmured before crashing his lips into Alfred’s. Alfred involuntarily bucked his hips into Arthur’s and their groins bumped through the cloth of their boxers, the only thing separating them. Arthur turned his head and opened his mouth wide to his lover, and Alfred briefly wondered when the tables had turned; back at the Parliament building, he had been seducing Arthur, not the other way around. Now he was the one being reduced to a whimpering mess as Arthur ground his hips against him, moving his lips in a flurry against Alfred’s neck.

“Oh, Jesus, Arthur,” Alfred moaned, and his breath quickened as he opened one eye and saw Arthur pulling off one silk glove with his teeth. Alfred winced as Arthur prepared him with one, then two fingers, wiggling them from side to side and causing Alfred to nearly writhe beneath him.

“It’ll feel better in a moment, love,” Arthur whispered against his neck, raising his hips and sliding his still-gloved hand underneath Alfred’s leg, lifting it against his chest and shoulder for better leverage. Another quick movement, another shifting of his body and Arthur was in, and he leaned down and lavished Alfred’s neck as he thrust into him, running his gloved hand up Alfred’s side and intertwining it with his hand. The silk was cool and soft against Alfred’s calloused palms, and he shuddered at the touch.

Anything else that Alfred had to say was lost when an intense burst of pleasure shot up his spine, and he arched his back, curling his toes and biting his lower lip to stop the undignified sounds from leaving his mouth. Arthur kept his rhythm steady, as much as he wanted to let loose and just fuck Alfred, he wanted to make this worth it. Worth the wait, worth the long meetings, the never-ending hours of legislation, the tricky task of what to do with the losing side of an international war.

I thought that, just for a little while, we could love just like everyone else.

Alfred slid his other leg up Arthur’s side and wrapped his legs around his lower back, pushing Arthur further into him, causing Arthur to gasp with the sudden motion. Arthur let out a slow breath that turned into a drawn-out moan of oh, Alfred as he moved his lips from Alfred’s neck to his chin, then to his lips, incorporating tongue and teeth into one sloppy kiss.

“Arthur,” Alfred panted.

“Mmm?” Arthur replied. Alfred turned his head to the side, eyes closed.

“Arthur,” he repeated. “Arthur, Arthur, Arthur...” his mantra became faster and softer until he was just mumbling the other man’s name over and over. Alfred’s body tensed, and his lower back lifted from the cushion and Arthur could feel how Alfred moved in a ragged way-

And with his nails digging into Arthur’s already scarred back, Alfred climaxed with his lover’s name still on his lips. He relaxed, a smile on his face, breathing heavily, shiny with sweat. Arthur followed shortly afterwards and Alfred pulled him into a kiss as he came, and they both collapsed together on the couch, Arthur curling beside Alfred and wrapping his arms around him.

They lay in silence, listening to their own heavy breathing and the soft scratching of the record player as it continued on in the corner. The rain was still coming down in sheets. Alfred wiped his forehead on his tank top.

“When’re we gonna meet with our bosses?” Alfred murmured into Arthur’s forehead as he pressed the smaller man’s hairline to his lips. Arthur gave a half-hearted shrug.

“Whenever they come to yell at us,” he replied. Arthur attempted to wiggle from Alfred’s hold. “Our things are still in the car.”

“They’re fine,” Alfred said, waving a hand towards the door. He attempted to stifle a yawn. “I think we should sleep now.”

“We haven’t eaten since breakfast,” Arthur noted. “It’s only the early evening.” Alfred scoffed and pressed Arthur to his chest.

“Okay, new plan. How about we shower, make a nice dinner, and then listen to the radio? And then turn in,” Alfred offered.

“What about the telly?”

“If you want,” Alfred said. “I still prefer the radio, though.”

“Suit yourself,” Arthur said, kissing Alfred’s cheek. “Your plan sounds lovely.”

“Just thought I’d continue the fantasy of being ordinary people,” Alfred said, and he hugged his lover gently.

“...I really do love you, dear.”

“Love you too, babe.”

FOR THOSE NOT IN THE KNOW: this is supposed to take place just after WWII, before the beginning of the 1950s. If that helps. Man I love these guys. For some reason I listened to 'El Tango de Roxanne' from Moulin Rouge on repeat while writing this.

america, rating: r, pairing: usukus, england

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