[APH Fic] Beautiful [US/UK]

Mar 08, 2011 12:33

Title: Beautiful
Pairing: US/UK
Rating/Warnings: I'm saying R-18 to be safe. There is some nondescript sex but this is colonial!America and England so, America is kinda youngish. It's not shota but... well anyway. Also human names. And un-beta'd. Very thoughts-written-to-page-without-much-changing.
Summary: America is a beautiful, youthful land full of promise. And so is Alfred.
Notes: This was originally written for the prompt Earth, Sky, Sea and Space in the usxuk comm Sweethearts Week thingy. Um, got this idea at about 8 this morning. I was out all day so... this is why it's here now. I was reading about how untouched and beautiful the settlers found the New World and it made me think about how England would find the comparison between him and America, and, well, this happened. I swear I started with the prompt in mind and it ran far, far away from me. Well, not THAT far.
Original post

It felt like he could feel the earth breathing beneath his feet. The soles of his feet were hardened from labor, walking tenuous distances, and general colonial life, but he felt as new sense of cleanliness and sensitivity as he kept his feet firmly planted to the ground, wiggling his toes gently in the soft layer of topsoil.

“Alfred? Alfred, are you out here?” a voice called, and a sunny blonde head turned to see a smiling face looking back, brilliant green eyes shining out from underneath a crown of sandy blonde hair. He was holding onto the doorframe thoughtfully, as if he was unsure of the younger would allow him to come outside into the waning daylight. Alfred smiled the smallest of smiles, and gave a gentle nod, beckoning him forward. Arthur let go of the doorframe and sat down on the bottom step of the back porch, leaning back, spreading his own bare feet in the dirt.

It felt good to relax.

Alfred had his arms wrapped around his legs, a blonde ponytail tied up at the nape of his neck falling gently over his shoulder. His thigh made contact with Arthur’s ever so gently, but he didn’t pull away, he just stayed there, even though his heart was racing and he could feel the tension between their legs. Arthur’s eyes drifted upwards, where the night sky was streaking through the dusk, stars appearing slowly. Alfred slowly released his legs and leaned back as well, his side connecting with Arthur’s. The two of them sat in a prolonged silence, Alfred staring straight ahead into the racing fields behind his house, Arthur up at the sky.

“How are you feeling?” Arthur asked, shifting a little bit. The wind was picking up slightly, tossing Alfred’s bangs against his face. Alfred shrugged.

“Alright,” he said, turning to face him, but his eyes seemed very alive for someone who was simply alright. Arthur reached out and pushed his bangs aside, and Alfred’s eyes slid closed at the contact. He is really just a child, Arthur thought to himself. Only a couple hundred years in existence, and only physically that of someone who couldn’t have been older than sixteen... and yet, Arthur himself had spent nearly five hundred years as a child before he started to grow more as his pirate days rolled around. Alfred’s growth was impressive.

Night had fallen by this time, and their only light source was an oil-burning lantern sitting on the edge of the porch.

“There are so many more stars here than in England,” Arthur sighed, eyes trailing upwards again. “It’s simply beautiful.” You’re simply beautiful, my boy, he thought to himself. There were things about this colony that were just so different from the world he was used to. Of course, their relationship was also very different then what he had been used to-but different circumstances called for newer experiences.

“I think I know most of the constellations,” Alfred offered, and squinted at the sky, leaning back and trying to figure them out.

Arthur leaned back against the old wooden stairs (stairs he had built years ago) and let his thoughts drift back to earlier in the day. The nervousness, the flushed cheeks, the yearning and eagerness in his eyes still played over and over in Arthur’s memory. Then there were the tentative kisses, the wandering hands, the pleading, the uncertainty. It had all happened rather fast and unexpectedly, but it had indeed happened.

There had been the tangle of blankets, the creaking of stairs, the soft, shuddering breaths. He recalled feeling the younger man moving underneath him, moving with him, in a kind of synchronized dance that was unique to just them. There had been some painful grunts and nails digging into his back, not in the passionate way but in the painful way, and he had moved his lips to his ear and asked if he was alright, if he was hurting him, (for Alfred had been a virgin up until that point) and the younger responded no, he was fine, this was what he wanted, and his voice hitched mid-sentence and a low moan replaced words and he knew, he was telling the truth.

It had been, truth be told, a strange day. Arthur felt as if their roles had been reversed; that Alfred was the man and he was the boy, even though he was much, much older, he wasn’t as wise as he had originally thought. There were so many things about this new land that Arthur just didn’t understand, and what had happened earlier did not make anything any clearer.

“...and... and I don’t know if that’s anything, but it sure is pretty,” Alfred said, touching Arthur’s arm and jerking him out of his thoughts. Arthur stared up and saw a band of stars, twinkling down at them as if talking to them. He smiled. The dirt was cool underneath his feet, the wood was soft and old, and the wind was warm and smelled sweet. Even the stalked grass far out into the fields behind Alfred’s house were vibrant in color in the darkness.

Oh, this New World was breathtakingly beautiful. It almost broke Arthur’s heart to think that one day this land would have more people living on it, and this natural landscape would be replaced with houses and roads and buildings.

But for now, he could enjoy its newness, its youth, and the never-ending surprises it held. Vast natural resources that were endless, beautiful colors in the enriched soil, the brilliant blue sky and everything in between-it was all beautiful and bold and young and would one day grow up and yield something much more powerful and amazing then anything Europe could produce. Not with this boundless land.

Alfred’s left little finger grazed Arthur’s right, and it sent a tingle down his spine.

“These stars are amazing,” Alfred breathed, and Arthur silently agreed. “It seems like, if you sit here long enough, more and more just keep appearing. Like they’re being born.”

“I don’t think that is how stars work, Alfred,” Arthur said, bemused at the youthful wonder in Alfred’s eyes. “But as the light dims, you see more. It’s like... pulling back a curtain or opening a door.”

“I suppose,” Alfred said, and he shivered as a cool wind blew past them. Without thinking, Arthur drew him into his arms, even though now Alfred was his height, maybe even taller, and he lately had been adverse to hugging (Arthur blamed that on his being a teenager) but Alfred accepted the offering of comfort, and allowed Arthur to lay his head on his chest, and Arthur pressed a kiss to the back of his tousled head.

“I want you to show me how to make love.”

“I-I’m not sure if that’s something you want to learn from me, Al-“

“No. It is. I’m sure.”

“I... are you sure you’re okay?” Arthur asked in a low voice. “I didn’t hurt you earlier, did I?” He could feel Alfred shake his head.

“I’m alright, really,” he said, his voice muffled by Arthur’s shirt. “I’m more than alright. I’m beautiful.”

“Yes, yes you are,” Arthur agreed, and he looked back up at the night sky, the lush fields, the sturdy trees, the youthful mountains, the healthy soil, and kissed Alfred’s sweaty forehead, and knew that, one day, the rest of the world would agree.

america, rating: r, pairing: usukus, england

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