I am in a bit of a toughie.

May 16, 2005 23:23

So, last week I bought Metal Gear Solid 3. I'm am nearing the end, I feel I'm about a half to hour away from beating it. But I'm afraid too.

You see, after beating MGS2, and being a little let down and mind raped, I do not want that to happen again. I do not want to be let down from game that has been perfect. Everything in this game has been perfect. If Iwas wondering something about Big Boss, it was answered.

The start of the game he had both eyes, I knew he was going to lose one from the photos in the other two games. I was overjoyed when he lost one. Screaming 'Oh fuck, that was so awesome'.

This has also been the creepiest MGS game, fighting The Sorrow, was bad. I killed to many people to actually walk down the whole river, as it took me a god ten minutes before I said fuck it. I killed so many people because I couldn't get enough of holding them hostage, and then slitting their necks. Sometimes, I would go out of my way, just to grab someone and cut them good. I would talk to the TV at these times.

Random Solider: You bastard
Me: Oh, that wasn't the right answer

Random Solider: I'm not talking
Me: Not anymore you're not.

Random Solider: The Frequency to get in the do--
Me: Fuck, my finger itches.
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