
Sep 03, 2018 17:24

アカツキ (Red Moon)

赤い光 月の明り 
不思議な空 まわる宇宙
恋におちる その笑顔の奥のほう
僕の瞳 映る姿 
嘘と理想 揺れる世界
甘い言葉 孤独な夢 
Red light, Moon rays
Mysterious sky, Revolving universe
Beautiful voice,
The depth of your smile that I’ve fallen for
The figure that’s projected in my eyes
Lies and ideals that have shaken the world
Sweet words, Lonely dreams
Jealousy that’s cladded with sorrow

心を開いて ありのままを見せたら
ねえ君は すべて受け止めてくれるかな
If I open my heart and show you who I really am
Will you be willing to accept all of it?

大好きだよ なのに張り裂けそうに切ない
抱きしめたら 壊れそうなレプリカ
未完成な 僕らのまま愛し合えるように
教室の窓 静かに照らしたアカツキ
I love you so much but it’s so overwhelming to the point I’m about to burst
The replica that could break in my embrace
So that we could love each other as we are; our incomplete selves
The red moon quietly illuminates through the classroom window

赤い神話 月と太陽 
無限のリバース 幼い記憶
流す涙 隠すルール 
Red myth, Moon and sun
Infinite reverse, Childhood memories
Shedded tears, Hidden rules
I wished for someone to violate them

人は見かけより 心に傷があるよ
弱いから 強がって 自分守るんだ
Everyone has wounds in their hearts; even more than what they show
Because we are weak, we pretended to be tough to protect ourselves

大好きだよ なのに素直になるのが怖くて
抱きしめても すり抜けるホログラム
未完成な 僕らのまま許し合えるように
すれ違う廊下 想いを伝えるアカツキ
I love you so much but I’m so afraid to show it
The hologram that slips through, even in my embrace
So that we could accept each other; our incomplete selves
The red mood conveys our feelings through the corridor where we pass by each other

What should I do...

愛されたいとか 愛してたいその願いは
終わらない 少しずつ カタチ変えるだけ
The desire to be loved and to love
Is never ending, only the form changes; little by little

大好きだよ だから張り裂けそうに切ない
抱きしめたら 壊れそうなレプリカ
未完成な 僕らのまま笑い合える時に
教室のドア もう一度開けるアカツキ
I love you so much and that’s why it’s so overwhelming to the point I’m about to burst
The replica that could break in my embrace
When we could smile together just as we are; our incomplete selves
The red moon opens the classroom door, once again

This song is an OST for the Netflix drama, Switched featuring Shigeoka Daiki and Kamiyama Tomohiro of Johnny's West.

About the PV:

1. The setup - Gosh...the setup is just so....akai.... You might think that the background was a CG effect. But actually, it was a video shot earlier. I don't think they use any CGI in this PV. Even the replica (I'm not sure what the white thingy called) was real.
2. The outfits - Woah....They were all look good in red....they were all look good in black too.... Especially Nozomu (Yes, I'm not bias but this guy was really outstanding in both outfits). The design was so simple but still very stylish.
3. The flow - OMG.... it was so relaxing yet you can totally sense the tense feeling of loving someone so much but you can't / don't know how to express it.... These guys were doing great in potraying those tenseness in their own different way... (Well, Shige did give a bit of happy feeling tho...thanks)
4. The singing / lyrics (yes, not only in the PV) - I just love the lyrics so much....how can this song can be so beautiful, soothing yet pressurize you? If you watched the drama, you can totally relate the lyrics with the feeling of both boys.... and the singing, the most intelligent thing about this song is how the singing order is 'switched' between the first verse and the second one....

In conclusion, I do highly recommend this PV to all....and please listen / read / appreciate the lyrics as you watch the PV.
Honestly, this is one of my favourite PVs of all time. seriously.

Good job, Johnny's West.

happy thing, present for me

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