Commissions Open - Sketches and icons

May 08, 2014 11:03

I haven't been very active in LJ lately, mostly because pretty much everyone seems to have a tumblr nowadays and I'm only using mine to talk about life things, but I figured I'd post this here in case there was someone interested who didn't have tumblr or dA.


Ok, this goes for all Transformers and mecha-related commissions.

To ask for a quote send me an ask, submit or mail to I will answer all of them, so if in 24 hs or so you don't receive any answer assume tumblr ate the ask.

Payment is in US$, Paypal only and upfront once I confirm you have the slot and send you my paypal.

Once I close, I will make a post and link it to my tumblr profile (as well as putting it in my LJ journal feet)  with the list of commissions in queue so you can track the progress. This will include my non-Tf commissions so it's more time-accurate.



> Monochrome sketches ------------ $15 head shot / $25 full body

[Example] [Example]

> Flat-colored sketches ------------- $20 head shot / $30 full body

[Example] [Example] [Example]

> Shaded/polished sketches ------- $30 head shot / $45 full body

[Example] [Example] [Example]

> Icons ---------------------------------- $18

[Example] [Example]

* Add another character ---------- +%50 to any price


- All sketches will be delivered in files large enough to print. Icons are fully colored and polished, but have a fixed resolution of 300 x 300 pxl (with smaller copies to use as avatars upon request).

- Flat-colored sketches might include sparkles, highlights and other small shading details on my discretion. Same goes for some color details or gray-scales in the monochrome pics, as seen in the examples.

- I am flexible with content. Objects, backgrounds, panels, dialogue, etc. can be added freely if they are small details, or for a little extra. NSFW content might be ok depending on what exactly it is depicting. All questions are welcome.


commissions, life, commission

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