Fanart + Round-robin: Hook/Kup

Jul 09, 2012 08:11

So this is how it goes.

In a recent stream, a round-robin was started, where Camfield, Gunmaxual, Dellessa, LadyAquill and NK (I hope I didn't forget anyone) started together a fic, while I drew scenes of it. The prompt started with me wanting to see Hook being dominated by another random character in a post-war scenario. It was extremely fun and cracky, and the major amounts of sexy ended up incinerating a few of my possessions.

I'm not sure for how long, or when exactly, but the story should continue, so if anyone else wants to come in and contribute to this smexy bastard of a fic, you are all welcome to do so. I will post a journal with something like "Streaming - That Hook/Kup Thing", and every author who's in can play tag... and other artists too why not. =3

The log so far is posted in a Googledoc, and Gunmaxual made a clean copy of what has transpired so far, re-wrote the beginning which was lost, and added another bit at the end. You can catch up with it here:
The doc itself is not open to modification to avoid it being erased accidentally, but whatever happens in upcoming chats would be added later on.

Well, that's pretty much it. I've never participated in something like this before, so I hope I'm not fucking up somehow... I guess that's my feeling bout pretty much everything, though xD

I leave you with what pics have been done so far 0w0

Also, Kool-Aid Pitcher guy, we all love you... no matter how damaged you might be, buddy ó___ò

Cheers =D

round-robin, kup, fanart, hook/kup, hook

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