(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 22:16

So, today sucked. My main reason(s):

Numero uno, number one, the worst reason; As some of you know, at the beginning of this school year, around thanksgiving, my best friend, since 5th grade, Luke, passed away from drug overdose. Also, as some others know, I was adopted. Me, Luke, Mike, and Tim were all from the same home. We were the best of friends. Now, after almost 10 years, I'm the only one still alive. I remind myself of this everym, single, day, and wish it could have been me instead. Me that got shot, me th at commited suicide, and me that had overdosed. Luke, drug overdose; Mike, gang shooting; and Tim, suicide. Best friends I ever had, all gone now. It wouldn't be so hard on me, if they were like me; not being able to make anything out of themselves. But they weren't, they were great kids, and all aiming for a wonderful career, they could have all made something of themselves, and were trying to, and all that was taken away from them, their friends, their family, everyone.

Well, I found out that the person who was there with Luke, doing the drugs with him, said it was cocaine, while it was really crushed up oxycon, also known as synthetic heroine. This caused his lungs to swell up, cutting off oxygen flow. I was willing to forgive this person after almost a year, but after finding this out, I have no remorse for him and the fact that he also lost a friend. I swear on my life that he will pay, maybe not now, but he will.

Tim had been ridiculed in school for being a bit...odd. A rumour had gone around that he was a homosexual, and it began getting to him. It turned out, he was, he couldn't take all the people making fun of him in school, and just gave up. A cut down his wrist, and a gunshot to the side of the head took him out. I've never been able to fully trust anyone because of this.

Mike, victim of gang violence. Got involved with a gang, drug dealings, robberies, and everything else. One day while I was with him in Southwest Detroit, trying to keep him out of trouble, a car drove by, a hand from the front passenger side window, with a gun aimed at me. Mike pushed me out of the way, taking a bullet in his neck, and one in his chest. A friend willing to give his life for me, to this day, I never forget that.

Now, today, April 7th, we all made a promise to eachother almost 7 years ago, that no matter how far apart we were from eachother, we'd always throw a party, just for us, to show how our friendship would last, despite how different we all were from eachother. April 7th, the day I was sent to the home where we all met, today. These parties for our friendship, turned to rememberence parties. After Luke passed away, I swore it upon myself to visit Mike, Tim's, and Luke's gravesites every April 7th. But that wasn't the story, I had to work, I had to go to the police station to report for my probation, drug testing (Don't worry, I don't do any of that), and I had to go back to school to get my report card, I got home at about 5 in the afternoon, only to find out that my sister never came back from her friends house, which she spent the night at last night. She never called, never checked in, nothing. She's never done this before. I was out for 4 hours, looking for her, only to find nothing. I spent all day before this, moping about how I failed my promise, but when this happened, that all turned to worry.

Luke, Mike, Tim...when you died, everyone felt the pain, not just me, not just your friends, and not just your family...you were great people, great friends, and great children. Everday I wake up in the morning, every night I go to bed, you're in my mind, my heart, and my soul. You will never be forgotten, you've all done so much for me, taught me the ropes, helped me when I needed it, and just made me so happy. Everday without you guys here, is like another day in hell. You taught me to never cry, to stay strong, but I just can't do that, not when I miss you guys so much.

R.I.P Mike, Tim, and Luke, my best friends, and, the people who were like a family to me. A family that has been torn apart by the world. I swear, I won't let you guys down, I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to me...the little brother of the four.
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