Hi all -
I've decided to can LJ and get a new username over at DW (to be fair, I was just going to do a LJ rename but I don't have the extra money to give LJ $15 for a new name). This doesn't affect you much, but if you want me to read your journal (and YES, I do want to read your journal!!) you have to add this account, and I will add you back.
Going through and adding each journal individually is annoying and kind of depressing. If you read me, and want to continue reading me, add me!
<3 (Updates from Texas later today!)
EDIT: To make it easier:
go to:
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?userid=29195357&t=I Click friend :)
This entry was originally posted at
http://goodgirlgonebad.dreamwidth.org/383.html. Please comment there using OpenID.