CW gifs and videos (warning - high bandwidth)

Jun 05, 2010 23:42

Civil war gifs I made - I hope I 'did it rite', and hopefully it's better than my music videos. I will probably make my beloved Gettysburg/Gods and Generals/other movies later. :3

I used this tutorial, downloaded Photoshop CS4, and a program to convert .avi to .mp4. 

Cold Mountain

Ninja bayonet throw~~

Nakedness? In Victorian America? 

Short answer: no. Long answer: Nooooooo.

I came.




The Almighty God Morgan Freeman must bestow his approval

Streetwalker footsie!



Badam tish

Ooh ooh ooh

Some hot Union!Shawn ones (from  the S1 episode Weekend Warriors) I found on vt_graphics. By his red kepi and red stripe on his trousers he is obviously supposed to be artillery . Gus looks to be a muddled up sgt major/colonel and don't take my word for it since union/confed/aus ranks keep confuzzling my brain still)

Bouncing cravat! unf

 Burnsides! unf


They're all out of sync and crappy. Might re-do them later but will put them here anyway.

I love all the charges, but my fave is probably Lew Armistead's one. The music is fantastic. I wish they didn't make Stonewall Jackson a sissy boy in Gods & Generals, trying to make friends with niggers and little girls all the time. Why didn't they show the Valley campaign? That's practically the campaign that singlehandedly made Stonewall badass >.>

I am also of the opinion that they should make movies based on the following: Valley campaign, Seven Day Battles, Overland Campaign (Ulysses!), Chattanooga campaign and Atlanta campaign (Tecumseh!!! ^_^), Vicksburg and Shiloh (Ulysses/Tecumseh bromance and angst!!!~)

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civil war, video, art, gifs, cump

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