Title: Untitled
Pairing: Rochelle/Zoey
Rating: R18 (explicit sex)
Notes: I finally forced my boyfriend to write this femslash! Non canon with The Passing of course (when the hell it coming out already. Jeez Valve Time.) Update: Ooh the Passing is coming out next week. Noooo Murphy's law meant they'd pick exam week, I shoulda known.
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... okay first thought;
I actually liked how what LED to the sex was described in between sex scenes. (Y) *teehee* or well just the past really, then, i suppose, like, if we have to go into details... ANYHOW it wasn't PWP-reeking so yeah. I dunno, I kinda like it when stories have a plot.
It was great how the beginning was tied to the end. Yeah. I kinda like it when stories does that, if they're not completely chronological that is. Soooo yeah. Uh, thumbs-up?
I also like that it's not "idyllic" (oh yes random kinks and fancy orgasms! or just you know... "They were lying in a bed filled with crimson flower petals--"--and then they stare into each others' eyes for 91829128468364583538467587 pages before sloooowly reaching out for, yeah whatever really, could be a goddamn finger, and *KABLARFGH* then cut to next scene when they're done and cuddly!!!1111one LIKE MY STORIES!! Which is why I usually don't set sex up. :DDD) by any means, lawl, the whole thing is kind of lazy and all of their bruises and stuff are vividly described (sounds totally painful btw) and they're tired and horny and going at it because they have the chance to (FOR ONCE) and blahblahblah (<- some more incoherency about pretty much the same shit)
"“C’mon kiddo. Lets go find you some twinkies or something”, said Nick." kyaa. *fangirlish face of dorky doom* ELLIS IS SO KAWAII BUBBLY LIFE BURSTING FROM BLOODY FINGERS AND WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?? I think it was the-uuuhhh line before that which made me enter fangirlmode actually but yeah... fact: anything with Ellis and/or Nick and/or the two interacting with each other (though that's only possible if they're both present *captain obvious*) in it has that effect on me. BECAUSE I AM A BRAINDEAD FANGIRL-FAGGOT YES PLEASE. Y'ALL LOVE ME THAT WAY, I KNOW IT.
What a disappointing comment. I am sorry. How the hell could I even start ranting about Nellis in a comment about a ZOCHELLE STORY?? Slap my head and call me silly! No I'm honest, do it. I'm sorry.
So moving on, totally serious. Here we go;
- Nice p0rN! (although I might not support the pairing, to be perfectly honest, I do not oppose it. The game leaves so much open to fans I can't really complain about any pairing so I really try not to, and Zochelle well... why not? The Passing makes everything possible now that you can say that they all actually MET in canon so it's not all crack to pair Zoey with ELlis and whatever... You're talking to someone who started liking Nellis because of the way they LOOK together so WTF. Give me a good reason, nah, it could bea bad one, and I could ship most anything. As long as I don't hate the characters. MOWAHHAHAHA.)
- Nice story. Short but sweet, isn't that how you say it, lawlz?
In conclusion; Good job, Marly's BF!
Lemme post this embarrassing shit now, God. (besides, it's dinner now and I'm hungry.) BWAHAHAHHA I TRIED OKAY. (though I have NO idea what I've written and I'm afraid to read this shit through maaaawwwwzzzz)
My next review will be AWESOME. I swear to GOD! D:
Oh, and I must tell you that the little Nellis implication there was on purpose. Hehehe.
I personally thought the switching between different times was a bit weird, but also interesting. Maybe a bit too controversial and innovative for a SLASHFIC ON THE INTERNETZ though. Oooo
If being a braindead fangirl is wrong then I DONT WANNA BE RIGHT
totally. and I liked it. (Y) Twahargh!
ooooooooooooooo well MAYBE... (SPACE PEOPLEEEEE) but i still liked it SO THARR. :D MANBOY MANBOY YOU CAN CALL ME MANBOY...
uuuh a threesome -- no. HAHAHHAHA i mean how would it even---okay no just no, and with that being said... WHY DO YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT. NOW I, LIKE, TOTALLY HAVE TO SAY YEAH TO THE IDEA. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF well no actually it could be fun, but well. You've seen my writing (Y) and it won't get better so. Yeah.
It is I, Gonzo Schlickman Esq. the Third!
Threesome speed writans eh? I'm up for that. I'M UP FOR ANYTHING, because i'm a wild dog gangsta from the FUTURE.
Also, thanks for the comment. It was just something I threw together in less than an hour, as Miss Marlowe can attest to.
When are we all going to smite the unliving daylights out of the Passing?
SPACE PEOPLE - FROM ANOTHER PLANET - LALALA okay I dunno the lyrics but my sister does, it's pretty. And uh well what writing what is that? Ahahaha 8''''''''''''')
Well durgh, what's with people writing things in less than one hour and blargh, I can't do that. I guess I'm just slow. AHHAHAH or it's because i don't write stuff on the comp to begin with, I dunno.
BUT BUT BUT BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111oneelevelkjhefsk WELL ASK YOUR GF I HATE DECIDING STUFF. :S
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