Feb 10, 2010 22:16
Work was tough today. Rain on Saturday --> flooding --> work (this is my official Nobel peace prize winning equation). Ripping out and transporting carpet is tiring. We had to remove the carpet from 4 rooms, a hallway and some stairs. On top of regular cleaning jobs. We had to go to this 90-year old man's place at a retirement village. The type of guy who yells at you to speak up on the phone and constantly complains he doesn't have his hearing aid in. He's also obviously half blind because he offered me a drink then stuck his eyes back to this microscope thing he was using to read his book. I bet it could see to the electron level.
Work does give the opportunity to do the "Psych" thing where Shawn looks at something, the camera zooms in, and something is highlighted. Then he deduces that the person was depressed from the bagel they were eating. I wish. It would make work easier. I saw that the man was reading Ken Follett. He must like thrillers. He had boxes of Maltesers and Twix bars. It made me hungry. He had a stash of pills. All elderly people have that. Man I suck at this deduction thing. I haven't watched Psych in a long time (internet always too slow).
Also I'm burning through way too many cigarettes at work so I should cut down. A durry at every lull in the work adds up to a lot of durries. I made a cool $240 at least. I'm actually planning to save some this time. Usually I just waste it on booze because I'm totally indifferent to whether I have money or not. So I'll have to pretend I'm saving up for something. Um. A holiday. A nice holiday. That's it.
I finished the Belonging story for my sister's assignment that I was procrastinating on. She read it and decided she didn't like the gratuitous sex scene, among other criticisms. I have to concede. I totally changed the angle of her story (home alone scenario) to something utterly different (alienation at coming of age party). We're going to try again.
So I have this English tutoring thing on Friday. I hope it's a success. This is just a trial session anyway, to see if we mesh well. I.E. Whether I'm up to the task (probably not, since I haven't done HSC English for over 2 years now. Besides I suck at writing essays. Creative writing, ok, I can handle that. Too bad the exam consists of 4 bloody essays, 1 comprehensive, and 1 creative writing.) I also get my new travel concession on Friday, woot. I'm supposed to meet up with friend(s) next week, depending on schedules and things. Ever since my complete withdrawal into the cocoon of the internet I feel apprehensive about this but I have to take my medicine some time. I feel so sad that there's only like 3 more weeks of freedom left before uni starts. I better get on that.
The porn art experiment was unsuccessful but it gave me inspiration for a new fic, so I'm happy. Basically I've decided to convert the Rochelle fic to yet another "What happens to Nellis after the zombocalypse?" fics. Unoriginal I know, but I like how there are so many different interpretations of that situation out there. It's going to be fluffy, a bit depressing, and include /some/ porn (whoops). I'm downloading the Living Dead movies for further inspiration (and, um, a few unrelated tv shows. I want to catch up on tv since the actual physical tv is always taken up or too far away or some other excuse I have, and I feel like I'm missing out). Read a few books too to get more ideas on writing style and stuff.
That's all.
real life