I found the FREAKIEST Zoid on eBay the other day:
Clicky Clicky The Zoid savvy of us will recognize that as a Shield Liger, but the thing is... It ain't a Zoid! It's not even made by Tomy as far as I can tell! But, I discovered a while ago about these re-coloured pre-built remote control Zoid-a-likes which are made from the moulds of existing Zoids! As far as I can tell, there's been the Shield Liger and the Dibision, I've heard tell of a Gojulas, and a there's also the strangest little one that's a cross between a Red Horn and a Dimetroden... and I can tell you that looks incredibly odd!
When I found the Shieldy one, I just couldn't resist! More on that when it arrives *Has still to review Death Stinger ZS as promised yet*
Yesterday was officially claimed the worst day of the year by a TV show I was watching (something to do with the fact that more people are depressed on that day than any other :S)
This may explain why I almost choked on my meds, my bag strap broke during a frantic rush for the train, one of my bosses decided to try a new cleaning routine that apparently was a "big success" in the other homes, despite my constant warnings that it wouldn't work (and it didn't) and I kept dropping things... repeatedly... all day! CRUD!
Ah well, nevermind!
I'm going to try and play with my LJ a bit... try and find a way to put links in permanent columns, instead of constantly having to redo them!
Oh and speaking of links, the Pirate's Cove is working on a big project to put episodes of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates online. They're getting there, but it's a slow, painful process.
I'm feeling a bit left out since I can't do anything to help like Encoding the eps or web hosting due to my complete lack of IT skills, but I'm doing the best I can to drum up interest. I want to see this project work! I used to watch this show all the time when I was a kid. I'm been dreaming of getting the eps ever since Fox took the show off the air and stopped releasing DVDs (Let's face it, even when VHS's and DVD's WERE being made, only a very small percentage of the 65 eps were ever released! Darnit, I want to see "Neverscoll" again!)
Interested? Visit
here ~Shiar~