Basics announcement!

Dec 09, 2006 22:14

Darnit! Besides the fact that I am still unable to find a more permanent way to link to my Basics Webcomic, I've now had to come to terms with the fact that this fornight's comic is going to have to be postponed... ARGH!
I've been very busy with present wrapping, writing out Christmas cards, and Mum keeps dragging me out shopping on EVERY occasion! (We ended up at Felixstowe today!)
Plus, I've still got to sort out the Christmas Comic and festive artwork too, so I decided the best thing to do would be to drop the comic this week, and post it a fortnight after the Christmas one instead!

Still on the subject of Basics (there's still a few months left before I plan to put this into action, so don't worry too much yet), Basics will be temporarily on Hiatus for an unknown length of time.

Why is this? Well, the whole reason I came up with Basics in the first place was because I wanted to have my own webcomic, but didn't have a clue of what to do for the story arc! Single page humour comics was the only way I could keep a webcomic going!
Well guess what? I've finally been hit with a story arc idea!!

I'm not going to say to much about it until it's ready, since it's an experimental idea and may not even work properly, but the long and short of it is, Basics will have to go on ice while I work on it.

If successful, the new comic will be posted in place of the Basics comics. It will be a part of Basics but a different comic, if you understand my ramblings at all!

The Characters will be entirely different to the ones already in Basics and hopefully they will introduce themselves as the story progresses.

Oh and the comic's name will be Felis Felidae which is the scientific name for a domestic house cat ;) (I've been thinking about this a lot!)

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