Alright guys, I hope you're wearing your diapers, because this post is a veritable laxative of shocking info.
First off, over summer I took a Business law class and now I've decided that I want to be a lawyer. It's not like it was spur of the moment, though. I really wanted to do it when I was in high school, but the desire dissipated over the years as I forgot about all the time my dad, my brother, and I spent at the courthouse over one summer. Anyway, I think law is really interesting, and it'd be a fun career path to take. Plus, law school is a window to a whole bunch of different career paths. Anyway. Gotta pass the LSAT and get accepted first.
Over the past couple of weeks I've been trying to do some group rides, and I've been able to do 2. They both started at a hospital in Palm Bay. I took the slow one the first day because I wasn't sure how fast they were going. Well, I was pretty disappointed. We rode in a single file line with a bike and a half length between bikes. That left for a small amount of draft, and made me think that it was pretty pointless to even do a group ride. Once, I got out in front to lead, and they yelled at me to slow down (they made us keep it around 20mph, and my comfortable speed is 25mph). Then, once I decided to let someone else set the pace, I got out of line to drift back to the back, and they yelled at me to get back in line! The real kicker, though, was that it took 2 hours and 30 minutes to do a ride I could have done by myself in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Pretty gay.
So this week I went with the fast group, and they go 25 to 30mph at any given time. THAT was fun as hell. Everybody was really nice and I got into a conversation with a 50 year old lady about bikes and racing and group riding and everything before the pace really whipped up. Once we started up, I was doing well for awhile. I managed to stay with the pack for about 45 minutes but, again, the turns were what wore me down (glide in, accelerate out). I did better than at the race though! I only stayed with the pack for about 20 minutes then. So my goal for next week is to stay with them for an hour before getting dropped. We'll see.
So this is how I'm going to look in the future:
Yup. You guessed it. A cycling lawyer. I'll be the talk of the town. My bike'll be a lot cooler than that shit he's ridin' though. XD