Ebay business

Jul 07, 2007 14:55

I had an epic battle wit a car shop in ebay to gain my graphire4 ( Read more... )

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anonymous July 17 2007, 10:26:38 UTC
haha XD ım stıll TRYIN to be jamaıcan flavored ( sıts hours under the sun)
sınce my vacatıon stıll ısnt over, ım stıll " accıdently" hurtıng ppl and stıll recıevıng some slaps XD

gud luck wıth nocture! >3< ıts a fun game ıf you have 79382657805621356135830165316738%%% patıents ^^""
XD how many tımes dıd YU, threw the joystıck out of the wındow?
how many tımes dıd you banged your fıst ınto the screen?
how many deaths? XD

dıs ıs how ı do so far:

fırst of all ı mıss you :_: currently ım at the work offıce at my uncle sınce dats practucally ıs the only place where dere ıs some net, serıously!!
woke up very early ın the mornın just to get some ınternet thru my vaıns

anyway ı survıved the 3,5 hours at the aırplane whıch was stınky and uncomfortable >_< and threw up rıght when we landed XD yay!
so me and my sıs are stayın at my aunty and ı gotto say ıt rather borın here VERY BORIN but cheap XD becuz everytıme we go out ppl around me always pays my stuff so ı pay 0 penny for anythıng.

at fırst ıt was hard ı mean, no msn, no frıends, no dıgıtal devıl saga, no playstatıons, no CIELO ZOMG!!! and serıously ıt drıves me ınsane, the only thıng ı can do to kıll the boredom ıs to draw draw draw draw and draw so yea -_- ım tryıng to survıve around here.
currently tryın to fınd someone dat can make the armour and bags of cıelo for me, ı gotto say ıts very expensıve where ever ı go and they say turkye ıs cheap :S tho ı wıll succeed ın my quest eventually xD

ı would be more happy ıf ı just stayed home
If ı cant fınd ınternet anymore then ı see you, after 9 days and dat ıs 25 july

baı baı ^w^ for now


shiadeu July 18 2007, 16:27:33 UTC
Wat a fuckin' NO-LIFE you're! I can't trust dat >''.> More dan one would suicide because of dat )...

I spent 12 hrs non-stop in a plane to go to see my 2 bitchfriends in California ( I was excited to thin' about our meetin' so de time passed fast and I saw toy story and played games XE).

It is hard for me to call "armor" de Junkyard clothes. But yeap , I did one cosplay wit a friend and it cost our balls (Haku de dragon in "spirit away" ).
I hope you will take plenty photos of you wit de worst stupid Cieloswaytopose eva and post dem in de most retarded SMT LJ ever (4 narrowflawedminds).

About Nocturne I made 6 or 7 GO and I 'm at de Nihilo shit now >.> (3 or 4 GO because of de Matador first bitchassskelton )

Oh btw... who are you ? O_____o


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