Meme tiem! 20 questions this time!
01. Full name: Higuchi Shia
02. Best friend: Um... she has a lot.
03. Sexuality: Heterosexual, although that isn't set in stone
04. Favorite color: White
05. Relationship status: Widowed
06. Ideal mate: Taro. N'uff said. She may be a widow, but her heart'll always be stuck on Taro.
07. Odd Skills/Skills in general: She's excellent at cooking, cleaning, and sewing, as well as entertaining-- she's been trained as a geisha in her youth, and she's talented at dancing and singing. Generally a very good hostess and has held a job as a waitress in the past.
08. Last Amusing Escapade: Um... turning Agnus into a cat? idk, it's been a while.
09. Favorite food: If I say "humans," will I get hit? Honestly, I don't believe she has a preference among human food, as it does nothing to sustain her to begin with.
10. Crushes: When she first joined, Akihiko and briefly Johnny to an extent; currently, no one in particular.
11. Favorite music: She's very old-fashioned and traditional in her ways, so I assume it carries on over into her musical tastes; although she is open to more modern things.
12. Biggest fear: Doing something to harm the ones she cares about or not being able to protect them.
13. Biggest fantasy: Being able to just live a normal, quiet life with her family. Boring, right? :P
14. Quirks: She's a demon, of course, but is very odd for a demon in that, because of her being raised by humans, she feels sympathy and other human emotions; a fact that causes Klaus to give her a lot of grief. She's also unique in her preference for the color white over the typical dark-colored clothing of demons, another fact Klaus seems disgusted by.
15. Bad habits: She's a bit of a doormat and tends to fail pretty badly at standing up for herself; Mewtwo's done his damnedest to train her out of this, though, and she's trying to be stronger. She also spends more time worrying than she does... well, much of anything else.
16. Biggest regret: Not being able to see her children grow up and spend her life with Taro.
17. Best kept secrets: ... Shia's not really any good at secrets.
18. Last thought: "Oh, I hope Kotarou-san's alright..."
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: ... does being widowed count?
20. Biggest insecurity: Weakness. She's terrified of not being strong enough to help the ones that she loves.