Insomnia sucks an infinite amount of ass. And daaaaaaaamn is it cold up heeah! X3 I am in a pissy mooooood.
Just answer me this: Is someone taking you off their LJ friends list such a big fucking deal?! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! X3 It's not the end of the world. Friends fall in and out of touch. It's the way of the world. Sure, it's nice to know a reason but just because one isn't provided hardly makes it betrayal. It's not like anyone is going behind anyone's back. There's no back-stabbing, no gossiping, nothing save for the removal of person A from person B's friends list. I fail to see how that equals betrayal. You know, people throw these types of words about with little thought as to their meaning and impact. It's like calling a scrape an incapacitating wound. It's making Mount Everest out of a teeny tiny molehill and it IRRITATES me. >:3
*sigh* I'm sorry. I jus' needed to get that off my chest. -__- I'll bring you your regularly scheduled sweetness later on in the day, when I'm not physically exhausted. Later...