(no subject)

Sep 07, 2016 06:25

Doing indies means that sometimes it takes a while for your work to hit theaters. It's been a while since one of my films has been seen anywhere aside from a festival but on September 30th American Honey will finally be in theaters and it's something I'm really proud of. You can read a little bit about it and what I've been up to in the above Variety article and for those of you who have asked me about my art projects, you can see all my past ones here.

[For over nine years, I have had the role of Shia LaBeouf here in MBP. He was not my first MBP role but he will now be my last. Shia was still 20 years old when I joined, it was just a few months before his 21st birthday and now he is 30. I've portrayed him through the highs of his career and the lows. Through car accidents, drunken bar fights, hospital stays, nights in jail, court appearances, mental breakdowns, AA meetings, various girlfriends (in game and for realsies), drama with his family, the death of his chickens, his dog losing an eye, plagiarism, performance art and figuring out what the fuck that even is and occasionally, him actually doing movies and interviews and photoshoots like any other celebrity. Shia is the most fun and interesting celebrity I've ever portrayed and my journey with him does not end with MBP, but my time with MBP is definitely ending.

For me, the changes that this community has made needed to happen years ago. I waited and waited for this place to catch up with what roleplay became for me on other servers, in other communities, and it just never happened. My loyalty kept me here and my hope that this character would be able to go out with a happy ending but the longer that time went on, the less I was invested in this community and the less likely that was to happen. The only reason I even held on for the past year or so was in the hopes I would find the drive to write a proper longer ic post to end things but my job has also taken over my life so what little time I have to this hobby now was never going to go into one final post here no matter how much I wanted to do it.

There are a lot of people that I have loved and enjoyed over the years, the majority of which are long gone though some of you are here in various forms. I am not going to list you all because I feel like Shia was so hard to get to know that you probably just know who you are already. I am going to clean out my list eventually, if you want me to keep you added and think that for some reason, I won't, leave a comment. My comments are screened if you have anything to say at all. Personally, I have facebook but I don't use it so it's useless to add me. I have twitter though. I still rp if you want to know where I am at, it's just not here. If you want to know anything, just ask. Comments are screened and I can just send you a private message.

With all of that said, I will be choosing my replacement. If you are interested, leave me a comment or send me a pm. I may not have written anything in a while for Shia in this journal but there are many, many entries from over the years and if you are interested in the role, I would like to see some writing of yours.

Everyone who is sticking around here, be excellent to each other. This is just a game, don't be assholes. I will probably miss this place. Maybe. BYE FOREVER.]
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