1. Have you enjoyed 2009?
Yes and no, but mostly yes. I learned a whoooole lot this year. It's startiling that it's almost over!
2. The first gig you went to this year?
UHHH I think it was the Thousand Foot Krutch concert. WHICH ROCKED.
3. Do you think you've changed this year?
Ohhhh, yes indeed. I've gotten stronger and more positive, and I was forced into a maturity that I wasn't quite ready for. Too many heartbreaks from various things really made me just grow-up.
4. Met anyone new in 2009?
Uhh, I think so? I honestly don't remember. March through August is basically a huge blur. D:
5. Anything life-changing happened?
- My dad passing away a few days after my sixteenth birthday
- Having my heart absolutely crushed by a guy I absolutely adored
- Later talking with him and finding that I am far too (perhaps pathetically so) attatched to him
6. Most memorable thing?
- Doing the Sherlock Holmes play
- Fourth of July
- Art camp
- Constantly being set up by my mom and my love-interest's parents
7. Lost anyone close to you?
My papa. :C And almost my aunt, but she's mostly alright now!
8. Have your best friends changed?
Not a whole lot. One has grown-up a little more. That seems to be happening a lot in 2009! Another became friendlier. <3
9. Been on holiday?
To California!! *dances forever*
10. Funny moments of 2009?
- My brother is hilariously hilarious. Nuff said about that.
- The juicebox incident in Sherlock
- Fourth of July
- Various times with my bestest-male-buddy
11. Name all the bands you've seen this year?
Thousand Foot Krutch, Audio Adrenaline, Jars of Clay, and This Beautiful Republic. THEY ALL ROCKED MY SOCKS~ <3
12. Which one have you seen the most and how many times?
I saw each of them only once. :C
13. Was 2009 better than 2008?
I really don't remember anything awesome happening in 2008 (except for the most epic snowball fight ever), but considering the good things that came out of 2009, I'll have to say this one was better. That excludes my dad's passing.
14. Any plans for 2010?
1. Stop procrastinating.
2. Be a generally better person
3. Clean up the crap in my life
4. Love people more (if that's humanly possible)
5. Hang with bestest-male-buddy
15. Do you think 2009 will go out with a bang?
16. How did you spend Christmas Day?
In Disneyland~ IT WAS TOO CROWDED AND I WANTED TO PUNCH EVERY EMO COUPLE AND PERSON WITH A STROLLER. But at least I understood part of what some Japanese people said. :3
17. What was the best present you received this year and why?
Just hanging out with my brother was enough. Though I do love the little notes and letters that all my friends sent me. <3
18. What was the best present you bought for someone else this year (and why)?
The only present I bought was for Cheryl, who is basically my sister (not by blood, but we like to pretend). It was an awesome Alice in Wonderland shirt, and it fits her perfectly~
19. What was your Christmas lunch?
I just had some amusment park food. :O Disneyland cuisine, mmmm~
Hope you all had a glorious Christmas! Mine was amazing!! <3
Aren't we beautiful?
PS. I'm the only one with glasses. *3*