Mar 21, 2009 22:29
i thought i might post something but then i wondered what i'm supposed to post? not a whole lot happens to me.
Skittles the cat had 3 babies who i think might get renamed once they get a older: M&M, Smarty, Rolo. i think Trouble has a cold and want to take him to the vet but that needs to get done on a lunch break...
Willow is dead tired, has been for a couple hours, and i can't quite figure out why. ok, we went for 2 walks but each one was only like 5 blocks so nothing to tiring. maybe my boring life has gotten to her.
have a work conference next weekend so that pushes my plans to visit Laurel back since this weekend i needed John to come do some plumbing...
spring break is next week so i get to spend it with my school kids.
that's it. really.
life is boring