daycare follies

Dec 06, 2008 16:00

so the kids have been told, now that its snowed and will be getting colder, that they need to bring toques, mitts, what have you.
somedays, the "forget" that they have it all packed in their bags. incase they really did forget we have a bin that has stuff they can borrow. to help them remember, however, i stocked the bin with the ugliest things i could find. like the pink belliclava (sp?) that has a pompom on top--that one is for the boys; or the giant, plaid-print purple scarf; even the giant, itchy, ugly knitted gloves.
it worked all ready.
one kid was sent inside to get a toque and he suddenly remembered he had one in his bag! i knew he did too but i couldn't dig in his bag bc his dad was there.
dc would be easier without the parents.

teachers 1, kids 0.
let the games begin!
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