So like, today,
fr3shpink and I were talking about the good ol' days when we were still RPing together. Once upon a time, a million years ago when we still RPed like whoa in OA, there was a party.
fr3shpink dug out her history and while typing this, I am in tears and my stomach hurts. I think the night this was happening, we were both DYING to go to bed but didn't want the party scene to fail.
fr3shpink: and god, in 20-30 mins im heading to bed. cuz im srsly passing out x_x
shishichan06: i know
shishichan06: i might as well T_T
shishichan06: if not just nap a bit and return
fr3shpink: tehey should dance their way out?
fr3shpink: LOOOL
shishichan06: LOOOL
shishichan06: HAHHAHAHHAHHAA
fr3shpink: XDDDD
Dance their what the fuck out? God, the ideas we came up with to get out of the party ICly so we could go sleep XD. I remember this night well. We were laughing at the most normal things. Like the ping sounds of IM.
Exhaustion is a funny thing indeed~
shishichan06: ohh mann sakura and sasuke are soooo cuuute
fr3shpink: they areee! XD
fr3shpink: jshkjdf;
shishichan06: iuhasifsdlbfjknsdfsd
fr3shpink: jhdsklfjdjgkldfjkghgh
fr3shpink: WE SHOULD SLEEP
And that's not even the entire convo. OMG we we're seriously crazy. No wait, we still are.
♥ ♥