(no subject)

Dec 06, 2006 20:11

Player Info

Name: Kristi
Personal LJ: scytheandroses
YM Contact Name: savaged_beyond_speech
Email: english_opiumeater@hotmail.com
Time Zone/Location: Eastern U.S.
Availability for Playing: Varies likewhoa. That's just how it goes, yo.


Name: Willis Hayden Travers
Nicknames: Will, Hyde, Whit (by a few)
Age: 44
Birthday: August 2nd, 1960
Blood: Pure
Gender: Male
Wand Type: Mahogany - 13 ½” - Dragon heart-string
Patronus: Nile crocodile
Boggarts: An obscured figure sentencing him a lifetime of solitary confinement.
Animagus Form (if applicable): N/A (It’d be a Komodo dragon.)
Affiliations: Formerly Slytherin, Death Eater, Wand for hire under the Ministry


Disabilities/Handicaps: None, really.
Physical Health: Quite well. He doesn’t do the best job at taking care of himself, but he’s possessed of a strong constitution and a high tolerance for pain, so his general state of health is-to his mind, at least-a healthy one.

Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert. He relies on himself, but he almost needs to have others around, if only to give direction to his anger. He’d rather have something physical on hand.
Phobias/Fears: He won’t say so, but he’s a bit claustrophobic. And he isn’t at all fond of the thought of others prying into his mind; he’s tried Occlumency, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. Really, anything beyond his control is of some concern.
Mental Health: Fine, if you ask him. In reality, he’s what most would call, ah, not quite right in the head, and he’s all kinds of angry. Prone to violent outbursts, and all that fun line. His logic is as sound as ever, which is to say that it doesn’t jive particularly well with most moral standards.
General: It is likely that he’ll react in an irritated or violent manner, but this isn’t always a certainty. Subject to sudden mood swings at any time, and likes to act on these; doesn’t always consider the consequences straight off, and is therefore all the more likely to be a danger to anyone around. He’s a sneaky bastard, though on first impression most wouldn’t think it. Generally, he’s loud, brash, and has no issues against presenting himself in such a manner. Even when silent, he’s got an overpowering sort of presence-at the very least, he does around many. He won’t take ‘no,’ for an answer, and will use whatever force is necessary to hear otherwise. Typically quite obvious about his intentions, unless he’s looking to deceive (and he’s fairly sparing in these instances, as he prefers the straightforward approach; less mess, and all). He rather enjoys causing a bit of trouble, and typically knows how to push just far enough without going over the edge and into disastrous trouble.
He is pretty much without fear, seeing no reason to fear anything; a good fight’ll take anyone down, he figures. His impulsive nature can lead to actions that he shouldn’t take (though he may not regret them; this, also, can prove problematic) and words that would be best left silent. He’s not going to blurt out any huge secrets, but he’s not going to back down from a challenge, either, and he’ll make his own without much forethought. He’s pretty damned sure that he has power over just about everyone, and he’s not shy about it. Overlooks most women as completely useless, as well, figuring that they aren’t capable of much. While he doesn’t see them as complete buffoons, he does downplay their abilities and likely fails to see certain of their actions as potentially harmful. Aussi, he’s really very impatient.


Goals/Dreams: At present, he’s in a bit of a vague spot. He’s been bound (whether imprisoned in Azkaban or under contract with the Ministry) for too long to know precisely what he wants, aside from his share of the family’s money. He’s got his freedom that he sought, and that suits him for a start.
Quirks/Habits: Looking jerkily to the side at odd moments in a none too subtle moment of paranoia. Drumming fingers impatiently. Muttering to himself, often in a voice far to loud to be considered ‘muttering.’ Biting his nails. General use of physical violence over magic to force his way.
Likes: Conflict; physical conflict, if possible. Alcohol of any sort. Women. Having money on hand. A challenge. Sleeping outside, as long as it’s not too cold. A bit of pain every now and then.
Dislikes: Confinement. People who look down on or condescend to him. House elves. Tea. Siri’s husband.
First Impression: Imposing and utterly distasteful, probably hasn’t bathed in a month; the sort most wouldn’t want to approach, let alone confront. Tends to lead to thoughts of “…back away…” or flat-out “run away, run away.”
Philosophy of Life: Fuck ‘em.
Phrases they use often: “You’ll want to be taking that back.” “Now.” Any odd assortment of curses.
General: He tends to make his irritation easily read and well-known, declares threats loudly and acts on them. He relies on himself, but he almost needs to have others around, if only to give direction to his anger. He’d rather have something physical on hand. He’s got a bit of a cluttered mind, though it’s in far better order than appears to be the case. He’s not nearly as dim-witted as he looks, though he rather prefers that others don’t catch onto this too quickly; he finds it entertaining. And he does prefer entertainment, or at least a chance to keep on the move. Stillness is acceptable only when drinking and observing (and, in the latter case, he’d rather be moving or at least drinking while observing). There is, finally, very little of loyalty to be found in Travers; he sees himself most always as a lone agent, though there are a few for whom he will give a proverbial damn.


Current Occupation: None.
Current Finances: Not very well off at all, I’m afraid. His family has a large amount of money to its name, and his brother has kept it safe. As he’s been in jail for so long, Willis hasn’t seen this money, and would like to come into his own share soon.
Role During the War: He was contained in Azkaban until the 2001 attack on the prison. Thoroughly aggravated to find free Death Eaters attacking him, Travers fought back (not so much to act for the Ministry as to defend himself). He agreed to work as a hired wand for the Aurors, though he soon gave them the slip, taking refuge amongst a group of unsavory Muggles. It was a rather strange world to him, but then-after so many years in Azkaban-so was the wizarding world. Recaptured in early 2003 and held for a year before managing another deal, this under closer watch and much less to his satisfaction (it was fortunate for him that Auror numebrs were so low at that point, and that his loyalty to the Death Eaters had never been extreme). He managed to wound or kill a number of Death Eaters while working for the Ministry and residing among Muggles. After the war’s end, he spent a few days negotiating his way out, managed to work a not so much by the book agreement from a few lower-level Aurors for his freedom.
Why have they come to Stoatshead: Travers has come to Stoatshead because, hey, it’s the happening place to be. He’d like to find a place of his own, get away from Muggles for a bit, and perhaps catch up with some old acquaintances. At present, he doesn’t know that he’ll be staying for long; he wants to test out the water a bit before deciding anything.
Current Role Post-War: Vagrant? Maybe not quite, though that’s getting close. He might make some attempts at acting well (causing trouble early on isn’t always useful), or at least staying out of the way. Travers is likely to revert to old habits, though, as he’s rather fond of them. He damned sure won’t say ‘no’ to a good fight, and there’re a lot of people about that he wouldn’t mind beating up a bit, through phsyical or magical force. In short, he’ll likely end up making trouble for people (whether methodically or at random… he does rather enjoy the random attack side of life), though he’ll try to do it in a not-quite-illegal way.


Parents: Jonathan and Leanora Travers, both deceased. His mother’s end is entirely questionable, the claim being that she became dreadfully ill. The truth of the matter is that the woman, a well-bred but headstrong and unfaithful creature, had gotten herself into an affair; there were many details involved, but the short of it is that she intended to run out on the family, take what money she could, and leave the Travers line to its resulting shame. The three eldest children came upon this information while their father was away, and Willis took the only action that seemed reasonable; he killed the woman. Cue any number of cover-ups and the like, but in the end, it worked passably, and they held their honor in tact. Their father died far more naturally, while Willis was in Azkaban; he won’t admit it save to Siri and possibly Reg, but he mourns this fact, as his father was one of the few (possibly the only one) he earnestly admired.
Sibling(s): Elder brother (Reginald), younger sister (Siri). Reginald holds the family’s estate and wealth.
Children: None. (That he knows of, anyway. Wouldn't recognize 'em if they existed.)
Family History: The Travers family can trace a long line of purebloods in both England and France, with a few branches venturing elsewhere. The family that Willis belongs to is currently the only branch residing exclusively in England, though there has been talk of one of the French families moving over, now that the war has settled. One of the families of strong pride, the Travers line has tended to carry a streak for flaunting manners or even of crudity along with its nobility and enforced sophistication. Willis, certainly, is no exception to this. And while he was raised under more aristocratic standards, his jail-term and brief time with the Ministry and Muggles has led him far from this. This isn’t to say that certain vestiges of his upbringing don’t remain; they simply aren’t prevalent, and even through his youth he had a tendency to buck at these.
Willis is proud to be a member of his family, and doesn’t really mind the fact that Reginald controls the estate. Gives Willis less to concern himself with. Might do well to note that both before and after Azkaban, Willis and Siri have had a very close-as in, hey there, bit o’ incest-relationship. They understand one another very well, feel that they are quite connected, and see their actions as quite natural. They don’t see it as the end all-always knew Siri was to be married, and for a while figured that Willis would be-but that never did much to curb their tendencies.


Height: 5’11”; generally looks shorter, as he’s adapted a fairly permanent slouch. (When he does stand upright, he reverts to a posture that was impressed through his youth; it’s a bit of a change, to say the least.)
Weight: I lose at coming up with this, but he’s on the heavier side.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, messy and often unwashed.
Face & Complexion: None too friendly, in most instances. Skin still rather pallid, though he’s getting over that.
Build: Strong, thickset, stocky; call it what you like. He’s built to last, if you will.
Defining Marks: A number of scars that he is, in the main, proud enough of; they came from any manner of wizards, with a couple from Muggles.
Dress Style: Generally rumpled, in older clothing. Took to wearing Muggle clothes for a while in order to blend in, though he’d not be opposed to going back to robes. He suits his style to his surroundings. Though, really, just now he can’t go much beyond what he has, lacking money.
Possessions always on this person: Flask, wand.
Manner of Speech: Loud, harsh, crass. His speaking voice is usually raised enough to be easily overheard, which is fine by him. When he does drop his voice to a whisper, it’s usually in threat.
Manner of Movement: Stalking, with a somewhat jilted step that may give an impression of stomping when walking (this developed over the years in Azkaban). He’s not the most graceful of sorts, but then, he doesn’t need to be.

Romantic/ Sexual

Marital Status: Unmarried
Sexual Preference: Straight
Ever had sex: God, yes.
Believes that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage: He doesn’t see what the point would be.
Believe in casual sex: Absolutely. Generally the best sort to have, as it comes without those irritating personal attachments.
Turn ons: If he’s in the right mood, almost anything fits this bill.
Turn offs: Girls that chatter too much.
Past Relationships:He had his girls on and off before Azkaban, but hasn’t had a chance for anything steady lately. He certainly wouldn’t mind, as it’s always good to have a woman around for purposes of general use. Past relationships have been rocky, to say the least, and any in the future aren’t likely to be much better.
Current Relationship: None.
General: Acquisition of sex pretty much equates to that of material goods. If no one’s going to give it to him, he might pay for it, assuming that he has the money around. Otherwise, he’ll take it, never mind the consequences. It’s not as if most women have any other use, right?


Ever been drunk: So long as he can help it, he remains in a near-permanent state of drunkenness. Spends much of his time under alcohol, though it takes a hell of a lot of liquor to actually get him drunk (that is, drunk beyond a point of comprehension). He claims that alcohol improves his thinking and, indeed, it usually does.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend: Yes.
Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: Yes.
Gotten into a fight: Of course.
Innocent or guilty: He’d fall into the guilty side, and he’d not particularly quiet about this. He’s loyal to specific people (most notably his family), but even that doesn’t necessarily place him far into the ‘innocent’ category. All in all, he’s quite proud of what he’s done.
Been a hypocrite in the past: Sure. Though he tends to act for reasons of his own, rather than those he represents.
Dark Arts: They’re right useful and can be quite a lot of fun, though they can’t always match the charm of physical strength. He taught himself long ago to resist the Imperius as, yet again, he’s not at all fond of being under the control of another.
Voldemort: What of it? He's dead, ain't he?


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