Player Info
Name: Inspire
Personal LJ:
inspired_ideas Basics
Name: Rabastan Lestrange
Nicknames: Rab, but few people aside from his brother use it.
Age: Chronologically older than he is physically, due to an accident involving a magical grandfather clock and time.
Birthday: December 20, 1949
Blood: Pureblood (but he refers to himself as European 'old-blood')
Gender: Male
Wand Type: A bespoken pair, both crafted from agarwood with heartstring cores from a pair of mated Liondragons.
Patronus: Horse (former) and Dragonfly (current)
Boggart: His mad, and most thankfully dead, sister-in-law, Bellatrix Black Lestrange
Animagus Form (if applicable): Wolf
Affiliations: Slytherin Alumni; Former Death Eater; and others (spiritual and academic) he doesn’t usually disclose, although they are not secret.
Disabilities/Handicaps: A long scar on his face and neck which aches when he is tired or stressed.
Physical Health: Excellent, although he is sometimes tired because of nightmares.
Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert, who learned to act the introvert during his service to the Dark Lord. He is quiet, but not shy. While not particularly inclined to mingle, he is frequently found alone on the periphery soaking up bits and pieces of conversations, observing, and thinking. He is adept at meeting new people and establishing contacts, as this is a large part of his early training from his father in preparing him to manage the Lestrange Family as heir.
Phobias/Fears: He fears failing his brother when he needs him most. Fortunately the death of Bellatrix and the Dark Lord has removed much of the reason for that particular fear. He also fears the loss of magical knowledge.
Mental Health: If you ask him, he is ‘perfect, thank you.’ In actuality, he hasn’t been ‘perfect’ for a long time. He suffers rather frequent nightmares and has trouble sleeping around other people. He has difficulty getting others to trust him, and although he rarely allows it to show, it bothers him a great deal. He is struggling with several issues relating to what he sees as an obligation to his family, his desires for himself, and his need to find answers. Another chapter of his life has ended and Rabastan is confused about his direction.
Goals/Dreams: Understanding magic, having broad knowledge of all things magical, and being able to put that knowledge to use, has always been his goal in life. As a young man, he had planned to be a gentleman scholar and perhaps write a book on magical civilisations. After Hogwarts, he traveled abroad for more than a decade acquiring knowledge and found himself deeply attracted to the spiritual aspects of magic. His fondest wish was for his brother to take an interest in running the family, leaving him to continue his studies and perhaps find a few intelligent young wizards, or even a bright witch or two, to mentor in magical theory and application along the way. For now, his goal is safeguarding wizarding knowledge, keeping what is known from becoming lost in the wake of the war.
Quirks/Habits: Leaning, instead of standing straight, although he knows that his dear, departed mother would be appalled by such posture. He also has a habit of identifying exits and mentally planning out potential escape routes wherever he goes. He swears in Arabic instead of English, but rarely out loud.
Likes: Creativity, intelligent banter, completing a difficult task, learning and mastering something new. Of course good books, fine wines, hot baths and sensual massages are certainly among life’s most perfect pleasures.
Dislikes: Peanut butter, failure, Lucius Malfoy, rudeness, and waste (of resources, knowledge or lives). People assuming he’s some sort of male version of Bellatrix simply because of the Lestrange name infuriates him.
First Impression: Dark and dangerous. (The reality could not be more different.)
Philosophy of Life: Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
Phrases they use often: ”Tell me…”, “Do you think that wise?”, ”And then?”, "Perfect."
Current Occupation: Procurement. If it can be got, he can probably get it, although it might take a while. He is actively working to restore the Lestrange Family business holdings, but while he's good at it, he doesn't particularly enjoy it.
Current Finances: Has a tidy sum of both wizarding and muggle funds tucked away in Switzerland, Hong Kong and the Caribbean, but the vast majority of his family fortune and resources have been lost (unless Rodolphus knows something he doesn’t) but he has more than enough resources to rebuild. He has a modest muggle bank account in England, which he prefers not to touch unless he has to have done. He enjoys bartering, having done a lot of it during his travels abroad and his work for the Dark Lord. He has a flair for working out complicated trades, but is finding it hard in Stoatshead, because many people do not to trust him enough to deal.
Role During the War: Death Eater, primarily involved in obtaining intelligence and items for the Dark Lord, and trying to protect his younger brother from harm.
Why have they come to Stoatshead: Reconstruction is important to him because he desperately wants to see magical knowledge safeguarded. Seeing so much knowledge lost as individuals and magical places were destroyed, only made Rabastan more determined to survive and protect whatever knowledge was left behind.
Current Role Post-War: Rabastan is interested in almost everything, but he believes that education (school, libraries, apprenticeships) and communication are key to supporting magical knowledge. He is using his contacts in both the Wizard and Muggle world to rebuild the Lestrange Family holdings, broker deals and obtain supplies.
Parents: Maurice Lestrange and Georgiana Buonarroti Lestrange (both deceased)
Brother Rodolphus; sister-in-law Bellatrix Black Lestrange (deceased).
Children: One biological child from a tribal ritual designed for the sole purpose of conception. His participation was to repay a life debt to the woman’s sterile husband. He also fathered a girl who was stillborn.
Family History: The Lestrange family was one of the leading and most prolific pureblood lines at the beginning of the 20th Century. Nearly every half- and pureblood in England, Scotland, and much of France can count a Lestrange somewhere in his or her family tree. By the beginning of the 21st Century, the only males bearing the family name left were Rabastan and his brother Rodolphus. His once proud family name has been transformed into something frightening to most people who only remember the madness and bloodlust of his brother’s wife, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, instead of the centuries of noble pursuits and accomplishments of his line.
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 175
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, with some silver shot through it
Face & Complexion: Rugged, tans easily, typically wears a goatee, but removes it when he travels among muggles.
Build: Muscular
Defining Marks: Many, including the faded remains of a Dark Mark. A long scar that runs from his right temple, down between his nose and left eye, all the way to his collarbone. Numerous smaller scars in various locations. Pierced nipples and ears. Tribal tattoos on his left thigh (scarification) and right ankle.
Dress Style: He prefers black as a color and classic styles in both wizard and muggle clothing. Understanding the importance of clothing in standing out, fitting in, and going unnoticed, he wears whatever is most suitable to his purpose at the time.
Possessions always on this person: One, if not both, of his wands, and his field journal. He usually wears the Lestrange Family signet ring on his right hand.
Manner of Speech: Adaptable to changing circumstances, but when he is not ‘playing a part,’ he sounds deliberate and cultured. His normally smooth voice becomes rough when tired or agitated.
Manner of Movement: Adaptable to changing circumstances, but his natural manner of movement is that of a strong man, comfortable in his own body and aware of his surroundings.
Romantic/ Sexual
Marital Status: Single, never married.
Sexual Preference: Straight-ish. Adores women, but an occasional man appeals.
Ever had sex: Naturally.
Believes that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage: This depends entirely upon a person’s culture and his or her society’s customs.
Believe in casual sex: Define ‘casual.’
Turn ons: Intelligence, wit, creativity, inner strength, although hot baths and massages soothe the savage beast.
Turn offs: Cruelty, stupidity and poor hygiene.
Past Relationships: Gentlemen do not discuss such matters,
but they may think about them from time to time.
Current Relationship: None.
General: A crush during his school years, which he does not discuss, led to a stubborn determination to only bind himself to a woman who possessed the same qualities as the woman he admired from a far. As intelligent, brave, strong, talented and compassionate women were rarely found among the purebloods his parents trotted out as suitable for marriage, Rabastan resisted all efforts at matchmaking. He did love a woman once, but marriage was not possible, and she died in labor with his daughter. Later, having a brother at the ‘mercy’ of the Dark Lord, was enough. Rabastan refused to even consider the idea of placing a wife and child in that position, and resigned himself to life as a bachelor. Whether or not that changes now that the Dark Lord is gone, remains to be seen.
Ever been drunk: Often ceremonially during his travels as a young man, but almost never in social settings or in private, although he loves fine wines and good stout.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend: A gentleman will often shade his remarks to avoid inflicting pain on anyone, particularly his partner.
Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: An absolutely appalling idea.
Gotten into a fight: Naturally.
Innocent or guilty: More innocent than many believe and more guilty than he is comfortable being.
Been a hypocrite in the past: It is impossible to be otherwise while serving the Dark Lord, attempting to keep one’s soul intact, and one’s brother alive, all at the same time.
Dark Arts: What is dark entirely depends upon society customs and culture. Personally, he tries to avoid anything that damages the mind, heart, body or soul. One of his as yet undisclosed affiliations makes it impossible for him to use magic to harm others or take a life.
Voldemort: Good riddance to mad rubbish.