New Moody...hello.

Jan 26, 2007 10:09

Hi there. I'm the man taking over the Moody. I realise he's been played before and I want to honour everything Sara has done while bringing something of my own to the character.

A few details- taken what Sara had already written..most of its the same.

Player Info

Name: John/Dr_Midnite
Personal LJ: Dr_Midnite
YM Contact Name: Millionaire_spelunker
Time Zone/Location: GMT/Birmingham, UK
Availability for Playing: Currently only when able at work. In the next couple of weeks will be avaialble evenings GMT when I get broadband at home.


Name: Alastor Moody
Nicknames: Mad Eye
Age: 53
Birthday: November 21, 1951
Blood: He refuses to say
Gender: Male
Wand Type: Oak, 10 inches, dragon heartstring
Patronus: Jaguar
Boggarts: The faces of those he’s seen fall/Himself stepping over the line
Animagus Form (if applicable):
Affiliations: The Order of the Phoenix, Slytherin
Location: House between Albus and Alpha.


Disabilities/Handicaps: His magical eye is both a disability and a boon. He is missing a leg, and the phantom limb still pains him. He does get around well with a prosthesis.
Physical Health: Hearty, still trains every day

Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert
Phobias/Fears: Paranoia; failure
Mental Health: Determined, paranoid, obsessive


Goals/Dreams: To never give in to the darkness, to keep the wizarding world safe and ready for the fights ahead.

Quirks/Habits: Constant vigilance. Tends to smile at utterly unwarranted moments.
Likes: Liquor, meat.

Dislikes: Sleep. Evil.
First Impression: Intense. Scary. But with an underlying pathos.

Philosophy of Life:
Evil Never Rests, Fear never sleeps. Know the darkness before it knows you.

Phrases they use often: "Evil never rests boy!"

Background Former Auror, was said to be the best.

Current Occupation: Order member, is looking to set up a security company to “consult” for the new government. Wants to train young Aurors. Has become increasingly obsessed with training youngsters to defend against the darkness.

Current Finances: Weak finances, but has stashes in various places that get him by.

Role During the War: Alternated between fighting on the front lines and plotting strategy. Was injured at Cardiff.

Why have they come to Stoatshead: To help rebuild. To secure a future.

Current Role Post-War:Order member.

Family None.

Parents: died when he was small, influenced his drive to become an Auror

Sibling(s): none

Children: unknown

Family History: Parents died when he was young, a rogue wizard. Not much else is known. Alastor is extremely private.


Height: Before he lost his leg, he was about 6ft. But age and the lack of his leg have caused him lose some of that, so maybe 5’10

Weight: 200 lbs.

Eyes: Has recently lost his good eye through unknown means. Many are starting to call him One-Eye Moody.

Hair: a hard grey, Long and straight down his back.

Face & Complexion: leathery, his skin is darker from years spent out in the elements, scarred

Build: thick, broad shouldered, though bent now

Defining Marks: his scars along his face

Dress Style: simple

Possessions always on this person: his wand, a poison remedy, and a cyanide capsule, so he never forgets. A lock of hair in a locket.

Manner of Speech: intelligent, brusque. Intense. Can be manic.

Manner of Movement: he was obviously graceful like a warrior once upon a time, but glimpses of that are jarred by his shuffling. Remarkably quick for someone with only one leg!

Romantic/ Sexual

Marital Status: single

Sexual Preference: straight

Ever had sex: yes

Believes that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage: Yes. Take what you can when you can but never let it distract you.

Believe in casual sex: Nothing about Moody is casual.

Turn ons: Intelligence, Fighting prowess, an obsessive nature. Redheads.

Turn offs: vapidity, selfishness, weakness, lack of drive.

Past Relationships: He doesn’t speak of them. (this could change)

Current Relationship: none currently. The engagement was called off.

General: It’s speculated that he had an affair during the war, a woman that he turned. He doesn’t speak of her and it is assumed that she died.


Ever been drunk: yes

Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend: If he thought it was for their own good.

Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: No

Gotten into a fight: Yes

Innocent or guilty: It depends on the situation.

Been a hypocrite in the past: maybe

Dark Arts: Expert

Voldemort: Knows, deep down, that eventually its going to come down to him and Voldemort. That will be a good day to day....for Voldemort.
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