Quite personally detailed as well, to have for my own reference.
Comment if you want to discuss backstory re: this (or anything), or any implications for the future.
1997-1999: After her graduation from Hogwarts, Katie was recruited by the Chudley Cannons. She was part of the reserve team for a year, but then stepped up with an injury to a starting player. Although she heard about the Death Eater activity, and the destruction of Hogwarts, she continued to play right up until her last game when there was an attack, and the league disbanded.
1999 - Goes home to live with her parents, but feels the need to join the war cause despite her parents objections (unlike most of her extended family, they are not sympathetic to Voldemort, but they dislike her risking her life in the fight). Her initial role is little more than reconnaissance as she tries to brush up on her DADA skills.
2001 - The defense of Diagon Alley is her first major skirmish helping the order, but she comes out unscathed.
The rest of the year was spent carrying out a variety of duties on behalf of the order.
2002 - Was part of a few ‘minor skirmishes’. It was after one of these that a Death Eater they lost tracked her home, and her mother was killed in the subsequent attack. She was injured, but her father considered it too dangerous to try and move her to St.Mungo’s. They were initially scared she wouldn’t pull through, but she made it (almost intact) with the help of a mediwitch who lived not far away. She spent the better part of the year at home healing.
In his newfound paranoia, her father removed both the family and Katie’s own money from Gringott’s to keep in the vault at the house. He also took a leave from his job at the Ministry, unable to continue with the grief for his wife overwhelming him. He essentially withdraws from both society and Katie.
Bothered by the guilt she feels at her mother’s death, and the blame her father appears to place on her, she tries to cut back on her efforts on behalf of the order. She also prefers to stay close to home to try and protect her father. However, with the escalating attacks, it becomes impossible. She is part of the battle at Liverpool, and sustains only minor injuries that are easily healed.
(it was also at this time that she had her less than stellar one night stand, hooking up with one of the volunteers over from Canada. She left before he woke up in the morning)
Came to help out occasionally with protection at Stoatshead Hill, and was a part of defending the August attack, but she always returned to her family home.
With the final defeat of Voldemort, and no job to go back to, she is at home constantly with her father. Their relationship has been strained the past two years, and now being faced with his distance from her constantly becomes too much to bear. Desperate, she hears talk of rebuilding wizarding society in Stoatshead Hill, and eagerly jumps at the notion. Although it is what she expected, her father doesn’t object to her leaving. She goes first to visit an aunt in France, and is now moving into SHH.
Random notes:
Has had limited contact with Alicia since the former graduated from Hogwarts. Her friend came to see her when she was recovering in St.Mungo's from the cursed necklace. However, past that, any contact they had was working for the order, and the focus wasn't on their friendship.
Also some backstory with Seti, and the friendship they developed during the war.