Fucked up day.

Jul 24, 2005 22:17

Wow, today was insane. I got called at like fuggin 10 in the morning, i didnt go to bed until like 220 in the morning. So i was like, who the hell was calling me. It was daniela, i guess she wanted to hang out today. So i was like alright, then she said she was looking for a place to like take a shower, so i was like why dont u come down here, and take a shower, and after that u can go get your clothes in your tent, and do your laundry, so after everyone was done taking a shower, and after eric was done playing toe jam, and earl. We was leaving which was around 130, so i told me mom that we were just leaving to go get her clothes. Which then the plans changed, because daniela and eric wanted to get high, and the only way the could get a 20$ was to go to fucking johnson, which is like insane, but okay. Johnson is like an hour away from St. Albans. So i was like wtf do u want me to do. She tried to get me to go, but the girl was like no no, i dont want anyone sitting on my blankets. Which was so fucking retarded. So i stayed at the fucking tent with brad, a guy i've like met once in my life. So we chilled talked, smoked some cigarettes. Ya know, i got to know a lot about him, seein we was chillin near the tent for like 2 hours. We were talking bout everything. Then david, james, and allan show up. So i was like ah great. They all were like stoned off their ass. I was hoping to get stoned too, but daniela never came back until like 9. Which pissed me off so bad, because she told me that it would only be like fucking 3 hours tops. So after the tent thingy, me and brad left to go up to the park to see who was up their, and i guess their was a couple of people, the more we stayed their more people showed up. Both amanda's showed up which was tight because i havent seen amanda, and soooo long. Then like some other guyz ive never met but heard about. Then nikki shows up with some other girl. Then some prostatots show up. (prastatots are little teenage girls, that put themselfs out to try to fit in) Then, fucking big D shows up with two fucking drunks. Both girls, and one girl comes up to amanda, and starts feeling up on her face, and was like. You aint from vermont because your tooo fucking cute to be from vermont, and started like fucking kissing her cheek. SOOO funny. After that she ends up walking away, bites this random girl in the fucking ass dude. NO LIE. I'm fucking dying, i'm almost on the ground rolling. Because the girl is like, oh hi. Who are you. Oh gosh sooooo funny. Then i went every where with Amanda B, the other amanda. Tried looking for weed, because she had money. Met this fucking gorgeous guy. His name is bob. How unordinary is that. He's cool shit. He just moved to st. Albans, he was from albany. He's so cool dude. Then, yeah comes to find out that this whole time i was up at the park. My parents were like getting worried about me because, remember when i said that i was just leaving to go get her laundry and come like right back. That didnt happen, so they were out lookin for me, every where. So they thought something bad happened to me which i thought was kinda weird. I was like, dude i'm old enough to take care of myself. Trust me no man was gonna rape me. So i bitched at for that. I can understand i was gone from 130 until 830 at night. So yeah. Then thats my day. I got stood up by daniela. Then colbie called to remind me that she was coming home on wednesday. Then stephanie pissed me off because she's like i thought u said u didnt like colbie, then started calling me a liar. How fucking gay is that.. ANYONE WHO READS THIS, I DO NOT. I REPEAT I DO NOT LIKE COLBIE IN ANYWAY THAN A FRIEND. She's the one that likes me. Damn. Okay, i'm cooled down now. So thats how my day went.


I've been so hurt lately that my feelings have become numb.
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