tonight me and beck are going to mikes h0use w/ kyle! :) yay! i`m s0o excited! s0 i`ll write all ab0ut it 2morroww!!
f0r n0w th0..
i was readin thru the survey and i decided its time to update that shit :) al0t has happened in the past few days wit ppl haha s0 yeah.. :)
«33 y0u kyle! :)
b a s i c s
1. name: Shannon
2. single or taken: single @ the moment..
3. sex: baby girl
4. bday: June 11
5. sign: Gemini
6. siblings: 1 bro, 1 half bro, 1 stepbro, 1 step sis haha
7. hair color: brownish red
8. eye color: brown/hazel
9. height: 5'7"
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best girl friends?: Becky & Jakki
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: n0pe
3. did you send this to your crush?: n0pe
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: rave, zumies, pacsun, 0ther placess..
2. any tattoos or piercings: double in my ears, one half way up my left ear, my right cartilidge, my belly button
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: n0pe
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: idk .. my m0m bought it t0 match the freakin bathroom hahah
3. what are you most scared of?: spidersss!! Bees and heights too
4. What are you listening to right now?: "Anything For You" by Evanescence
5. who is the last person that called you?: Beck! :)
6. where do you want to get married?: married? MARRIED? Wat r u out of your fucken mind? Hahaha jp
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 65
8. what would you change about yourself?: abs0lutely n0thing
1. color: pink .n. blue :)
2. food: idk..hah g0od question
3. boys names: mathew and michael
4. girls names: ashleigh, liah, kate, carleigh
5. subjects in school: fuck sch0ol!
6. animals: kitties :) I love my kitty!
7. sports: hockey & softball
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: my baby br0ther lol
2. smoked?: yah
3. bungee jumped?: NO! omg id be t0o scared!!
4. made yourself throw up?: ew gr0ss..n0!
5. skinny dipped?: haha maybe 0:)
6: ever been in love?: yeah..
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: duhh haha
8. pictured your crush naked?: maybe ;)
9. actually seen your crush naked?: n0..haha
10. cried when someone died?: yah :(
11. lied: wat do you think dipshit?
12. fallen for your best friend?: n0..haha my best friend is a girl
13. been rejected?: yeah..
14. rejected someone?: yeah
15. used someone?: n0pe
16. done something you regret?: n0pe..i`m n0t ganna have any regrets becuz at 0ne point its what i wanted t0 do..
c u r r e n t
clothes: my new jeans and my h0ckey shirtt
make-up: n0nee :p
annoyance: my hair touching my neck
smell: my sprayy :)
favorite groups: Evanescence, Something Corporate, 3 Days Grace
desktop picture: my Johnny Knoxville background :) hes s0o fine..
book you’re reading: i`m n0t reading..i d0n`t read unless I have t0 for scho0l.
cd in player: My Evanescence CD that I made
dvd in player: d0n`t have a DVD player here..
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: becky when our dumbasses ran int0 eachother..hahah
hugged: matt v. and jon z.
you imed: kyle! :)
you yelled at: my dad
you kissed: joe
a r e | y o u
understanding: yeah most of the time
open-minded: yah
arrogant: haha not realy..i pretend t0 be s0metimes ((on purp0se..haha))
insecure: n0t usually
interesting: yeahh usually hah im pretty crazy
random: haha yeahh
hungry: eXtReMeLy!!
smart: yeahh..n0t compared 2 kyle .n. mike th0..:/ haha smart ass m0ther fucken mcquaid b0yzz. haha
moody: YES hahah i`m s0o bad
hard working: yeah if I need t0 be..
organized: n0t usually…especially lately haha
healthy: yeah s0rta
shy: depends 0n wh0 i`m with..
difficult: when I wanna be :)
attractive: hah yeah i guess s0 ;)
bored easily: yes. Omg.hahah
responsible: mm hmm
obsessed: with you ;)
angry: n0t at the m0ment..
sad: f0r the past few days kinda..idk why
happy: yeah usually :)
hyper: haha m0st of the time..always am when i`m wit beck..unless were tired 0r watever
trusting: yepp
talkative: hahaha yeahhh
legal: 16 babyy
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: n0 one!! Ahh!
get really wasted with: cory & beck // Kyle :)
get high with: n0 one..
talk to offline: umm wh0ever?
talk to online: every0ne :)
sex it up with: idk..haha rand0m questi0n..i d0n`t think im ready 2 d0 that shit again..haha
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: bitchy
all you need is: my best friends
love is: bullshit? yeah. pretty much ;)
i dream about: y0u .. sexy bitch :D
sexual preference: guys lol
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: pepsi
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: a guy? tall -- a girl? sh0rt/in the middle
o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: smile/eyes
last person you slow danced with: that kid at pulse..idk his name haha :/
worst question to ask: I don’t think theres such thing as a bad question lol s0 what if ppl r curious??
makes you laugh the most: becky and jakki and kyle
makes you smile: all my friends & kyle :)
gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: matt & joe..its weird seeing them 2 f0r s0me reason..
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no hahah i`m n0t desperatee..
save conversations: only ones that mean a lot to me..
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: n0t really..
wish you were younger: haha n0..n0t really
cried because someone said something to you?: pr0lly
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: o2
of hearts i have broken: t0o many :(
of guys ive kissed: haha l0tz
of girls ive kissed: 1 ((jakki..i heart her))
of tight friends: 5 0r 6.
of cds i own: hmm a l0t ?
of scars on my body: 0ne 0r tw0
of things that i regret: telling matt ab0ut t0mmy..:/ andd i d0nt think anythin else really..
y o u r | t h o u g h t s
I know: I can`t wait f0r tonite!
I want: t0 b in kyles armss..
I have: back painz
I wish: I was wit s0me special ppl..kinda lyke i`m ganna be t0night! :) yay!
I hate: when immiture bitches talk shit when they d0nt fucken kn0w y0u..0o mann
I fear: sadness//spiders//bees//heights//heartache
I hear: Amy Lee's gorgeous voicee .. i l0ve her
I search: 2 st0p living in the past.
I wonder: why I cared s0 much ab0ut s0me1 wh0 didnt care ab0ut me until he realized i was g0ne...
I regret: n0thing really
I love: Kyle Patrick McGowan..wh0 else? ;)
F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: if i didn`t why w0uld i d0 it?
2. how many people are you sending this to?: it`s g0in in the j0urnal..l0l
3. who will send it back?: al0t of ppl will c0py it..n0t send it back
4. least likely to send it back?: all the b0yz..haha
5. gold or silver: silver
6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Without A Paddle w// my twinn! :)
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Rocket Power :) haha
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: I haven`t eaten anythin yet..i`m s0o hungry th0
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: beck, kyle x3, and mike (f0r becky`s sake..haha)
11. could you live without your computer?: maybe if i really wanted..haha but pr0lly n0t.
12. would you color your hair?: YEAH!! i l0ve col0ring it!! haha i c0lored it a few weeks ag0! :)
13. could you ever get off the computer?: yeah lol im not THAT addicted..
14. habla espanol?: no. I speak English. I thot that would have already been established, but I guess not?
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 172
16. drink alcohol?: when i have it..i`m n0t lyke an alch0halic..l0l
17. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: n0t by myself..haha
18. what hurts the most?: getting lied to..and getting cheated on
19. best words ever?: holluhh ;)