Oct 23, 2012 16:40
So, we come home from the shops today and find the raised bed outside our front door is full of mushrooms. A quick google search confirms the description as being the Meadow Mushroom, the wild relative of the supermarket white cup. Marvellous, thinks I, and enough to do the meals all week are picked and fridged.
Being the paranoid mum I am, I did a little more digging though. Mushrooms can be fickle things. A throwaway comment on a blog with identical pics to my crop struck a chord - some of the mushrooms had very faint yellow stains where the cups had broken.
And so agaricus xanthodermus was identified, or the 'yellow stainer'. That it stains faintly yellow when broken is the only thing that marks it apart from it's edible brother. Cue all the delicious-looking mushrooms going in the bin, and gastrointestinal nastiness being avoided.
*sigh* Bloody mushrooms and their evil twins...