Algebra Test From Hell

Oct 04, 2007 23:46

Today I took the H Algebra 2 test from hell. I swear, it was created by the devil as a means of making jumping off the third floor of the science buliding look tempting.

I cried. I literally cried after I took that test.

The world is constantly reminding me that I'm not good enough. Can't it give it a rest!!!!!

In the words of Christene in refrence to the "game" the teachers play:

"The object of the game is to cram as much usless information into your students head as humanly possible.

The rules... only this;
If your student commits suicide,
You are disqualified."

Mrs. Stasio. You are dangerously close to losing the game.

On the plus side:

Grey's Anatomy was tonight!!!!

Stargate Atlantis's on tomorrow!!!

Tomorrows friday!!!

Homecoming!!!!! ;-)

And all my tests are in the first half of the day so I'll get them out of the way

the game, algebra test from hell, stargate atlantis, mrs. stasio, h alg 2, grey's anatomy, homecoming

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