Nov 06, 2002 17:04
Yay! New kite came today! Design was canceled, so I had 3 hours to go play with it. Just incase anyone was wondering, it makes ALOT of noise. Even at 4-5 mph. Very cool. I cant wait to see what it sounds like in 10+. I look forward to scaring small children and pets.
It's a little strange to fly. I'm not sure if that's because the design is 7 years old, or what. At any rate, it took a little getting used to. Oh, and it doesnt dead launch. At all. I'm a little too used to that with the Mako. ;)
Pretty kite! The mylar is actually iridescent. It looks great when the sun hits it. I may have to bite the bullet and switch the tubing for some nice APA fittings, as the rubing doesnt work very well.
In other news, SimCity 3000 should be a controlled substance.
Oh, and I might actually pull through with an A in Physics this semester. I cant tell you how shocked I am. :D