weekend update

Jul 08, 2003 12:44

so this weekend was the most fun i've had in a long time detroit was a blast chillin with billy and meeting some nice people ie brent who is ALMOST a better pool player than i am haha i left detroit sunday morning bright and early went back to dayton and on the way found out that i was going to cleveland to see integrity terror death threat champion and a whole lot of other bands but i really didn't feel to good when i first got there so i don't remember much ...

But at the show i got to see jim who is seriously the sweetest most adorable boy ever. his band played and i got to hang out with him for most of the show saying bye to him really sucked because i know i'm not going to see him for awhile but i also got to see Arianne who rules and is one of the nicest girls ever . I also met this kid named dave from philly ironic huh? haha who can stage dive like no other he was really rad but pointed out the fact that i'm never going to have a normal boyfriend because i have scary things tattooed on me such as 'blood thirsty' and death before dishonor across my boobs sweet shit looks like i have a lot to look forward to

after that i went to work and then came home and talked for bj for awhile seriously i love that dude more than anything "no matter what i've ever said in the past" i went and hung out with chris and him and josh made fun of me it was totally awesome ...

ps the only thing that was missing this weekend was Denise i love you and miss you girl
pss and lisa i love you even more good luck back in new york
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